Have you ever thought about creating your website in another language? Do you ever get customers that purchase your products and or services that speak a second language? If the answer is yes, then you might want to consider creating your website in Spanish and English and doing some pay per click advertising.  We recently had a client that wanted to invest in a pay per click for his tire shop. As a result, we ran a search for “tire shop” in Google AdWords keyword tool and it had a suggested bid of $6.92 per click. Assuming a 2% conversion rate, then this would mean it would cost him around $342 to get one new client –50 clicks (x) $6.92 = $342. He said he normally makes around $140 when he sells four tires. As a result, it would be difficult to make a profit on this strategy.

However, the results changed dramatically when we went after the same keyword but in Spanish. The keyword “tienda de neumaticos” had a suggested bid of $0.05 per click. Assuming a 2% conversion rate, then it would cost him $2.50 to get a new client –50 clicks (x) $0.05 = $2.50. Since he normally profits $140 when he sells four tires, then his net profit came to $137.50 after pay per click advertising.

It turns out that very few businesses were bidding on these Spanish keywords; as a result, the cost per click was very low for many other keywords. This means he could not only bid on “tienda de neumaticos” but also bid on other Spanish keywords that were dirt cheap by comparison to the English keywords.

The only problem now was that very few people were searching online in Spanish. In fact, the keyword “tienda de neumaticos” only had 10 searches on Google per month. Nonetheless, once you factored in Bing.com searches and all of the keywords variations for his business, then we were able to come up with over 1000 searches on Google!  it was clear that we had stumbled upon a little gold mine!

All businesses are different; as a result, your Spanish keywords might be more expensive or there might not be enough traffic to justify the cost of creating your website in Spanish or creating a pay per click campaign in Spanish. However, it would not hurt to find out if this strategy might be a good option for you. We have helped over 500 businesses with their web design and internet marketing Call us today at 559-553-500 or send us an e-mail at [email protected] and we will get you free analysis report to see if this strategy might make sense for you.

Surprising Little Gold Mine In Spanish Keywords
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Surprising Little Gold Mine In Spanish Keywords
Have you ever thought about creating your website in another language? Do you ever get customers that purchase your products and or services that speak a second language? If the answer is yes, then you might want to consider creating your website in Spanish and English and doing some pay per click advertising
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Chavez Web Design, LLC
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