How To Write A Press Release -The Complete Guide +Template And Examples

How To Write A Press Release -The Complete Guide +Template And Examples

Press releases are every marketer’s best tool! That’s because when well used, they can help you to share important news about your brand, product, or service to the public.

But the most interesting part is that they can help you reach audiences you wouldn’t any other way. Let’s say it’s a way of non-paid advertising.

So let’s get to it!

Everything You Must Know About Press Releases

Young woman working on a laptop

What Exactly Is A Press Release

It is a document commonly used to share the news with the public. They were meant to be read by journalists, but now everybody can access them. They are typically written in the news article format but covering the most important information at the beginning.

Most press releases are one or two-page long tops. That is because we want to provide enough information. That way media outlets can have sufficient material to write their stories about what we are releasing.

When Is The Right Moment To Send A Press Release

Every time you release something to the public or your customers. This could be

Product Launches. Whenever you release a new product or service to the market
Events. Anniversaries, seasonal sales, new sections of a store or business, just to mention a few
Partnerships. If you got a good deal with another business to benefit your customers, you should let them know about it!
Awards. Does your business give back to the community in any way? Let the people know!
Crisis management. If your company has made any kind of mistake, the best to do is to come forward before it’s too late.

Although there could be a lot more reasons to write one.

Reasons To Release A Media Announcement

Microphones at a press conference
Everybody now is used to sending emails or posting on social media because it’s easy, simple, and fast. However, not a lot of people know about the benefits and coverage you can get from a well-written press release.
  • Media coverage
  • Or how many people like to call it: Free advertising. If your press release reaches the right news or media outlets, they can help you reach more people

  • Improved brand reputation
  • Press releases help you to communicate with your audience, but they also prove you are serious about your business. It’s a way to care about your media image.

  • Reach an expanded network
  • Journalists or media outlets have wide contact networks and can reach far more people than any business alone. If you can have them on your side, you are way ahead of the competition.

  • Helps build PR contacts
  • Writing and sending press releases is an exercise that will get you to contact new people from the media industry. That later can become a reference to new business and projects. And if you deliver good stories to them, they will be happy to cover your news.

  • Improves your SEO strategy
  • As we mentioned before, you can develop a complete SEO strategy around a single press release. Keep this in mind before writing and look for the keywords related to your business, and add them to your press release.

  • You are in control of your media image
  • Effective press releases can do a lot of things for your business. Sure getting more leads is one of the main benefits, but you can also clear your name after a scandal or prove how your company gives back to the community. If you show consistent behavior in your company, press releases can help you shape public perception in your favor

  • Solid backlinks
  • You can use your press releases to build backlinks from trusted media sites. This can help you position better on the Google result page

As you can see, taking the time to write a compelling press release, can become a very efficient cost-effective tool, since it can add to your ongoing media strategy.

How To Write A Press Release

Hands writing on a laptop keyboard

Sections Your Press Release Must Have

Let’s check first all the parts you must cover in your next press release:

  • Headline
  • An eye-catching opening title that can make your audience interested in reading your content.

  • Location
  • City, state, or venue where the event is occurring. Is it a seasonal sale at a particular venue? is it a promo available only at some retailers? Did you release a new product for one particular state?

  • Body Copy
  • Here is where you mention all the benefits of your product or all the details about your initiative or upcoming event.

  • Boilerplate
  • Think of it as the “about us” section on a website. This is the part where you can let people know what your business is about.

  • Press Contact
  • Remember this document is intended for media outlets. Leave them all your contact information to make them super easy to contact you.

Take a look at this press release by Apple, to get a better idea of how those sections integrate

Headline and location screenshots of the apple press release
Body copy, boilerplate, and contact info screenshots of the apple press release

Step One. Write An Appealing Headline

Keep your target in mind. Remember this is not an email to your customers, but a document directed to media outlets. Make your headline interesting, appealing or intriguing.

On this subject, many of the people who will read your press release are reporters, and they may not even know your product or brand. Keep that in mind and write it as concise and clear as you can.

A good headline should be short, concise, and appealing. Search engines reward the brief, so don’t use six words for something you can say with one.

Our best suggestion to get the best headlines is to write it last. This is because it will be far easier to come up with a good title after you wrote, process, and digest all the information in your mind.

Step Two. Take Your Time To Write The First Paragraph

Working at home with laptop woman
Even though some of your audience may stumble across your press release, they are meant to be read and consumed by reporters, analysts, or influencers. And remember those are busy and selective people!

Use your first paragraph to let them know the most important things about your release. Answer who, what, when, why, and about your launch. Think of it as a Netflix synopsis. You have to let them know what’s your content about in one paragraph, but without spoiling the ending.

Keep in mind many people will only read that first paragraph, and worse! Maybe some of those will even write about you! So you have to give them all the necessary information, right at the beginning.

Step 3. Write A Rich Content Body Copy

Woman selecting designs
Remember you delivered all the important pieces of information in your first paragraph. The rest of the document has to be about expanding into rich and juicy details. Here is the part where you need to “brag” about your product, brand, staff, years of experience, or anything you want to communicate.

And don’t worry if your writing skills are not great! You don’t have to write a novel, remember a press release is, first of all, an informative piece of content. It needs to be helpful and concise.

You can tell the story of how your company came up with the new product or the reason behind opening a new venue.

Step 4. Write A Good Boilerplate

business work team

The bad news is you have to take your time to write yours. The good news is you only have to do it once. Your boilerplate is the same for all your business’s press releases.

Think of this section as a summary of these two questions: “who” is your company? what does it do? And why does that matter?

As an example, check the boilerplate in this ModCloth release from 2017.

The language is very clear and concise because they focus on saying only what’s most relevant.

Try to write this section in an open, but foremost in an honest way. Remember your goal is to reference your company so the media outlets can relate to it.

Piece of advice: Once you write your boilerplate, ask a friend to read it, and then ask them three questions.

  • Who is the company?
  • What does it do?
  • Why is that important?

The quality of their answers is the quality of your boilerplate. Use this as a guide, take notes, and go back to the drawing board until people can answer those questions easily.

Step 5. Edit, Add Final Touches, And Proofread

Remember people in editorial media will prefer well-written content. By simply proofreading your press release thoroughly, you will be way ahead of the rest of the documents they read every day.

Do not feel afraid of editing and rewriting anything that doesn’t sound right to you. You can use the Hemingway App to make sure your document is friendly for all readers.

Woman receiving delivery order at her door
You can also use Grammarly, which is a great option to proofread your press release before sending it out.

How To Distribute Your Press Releases

You could come up with the best-written press release ever, but it won’t matter if nobody reads it. Once you are done writing yours, it’s time to focus on distribution.

Do Not Overestimate Social Media And Emails

The easiest answer is in the palm of your hand. Start with your social media and blog. Check your followers or Facebook friends, maybe some of them work in media or something related to your niche.

If you already have a mailing list, that is another great way to release your announcement all by yourself.

Choose And Reach A Few Journalist

Journalist making an interview
Avoid reaching out to every media outlet on the planet. In the media game, quality is better than quantity. Focus on a few influencers or journalists in your niche. It is ok if there are only two or three. Send them personalized emails, explaining why your event, product, or release is important to them.

Keep The Online Wheel Spinning After Your Press Release

Once your release, you have to be very attentive to any mention of your news on any channel, so you can write a blog article about that coverage. Then you can backlink that article to recognized journalists and media outlets.

You can plan an entire SEO strategy around your media coverage and turn that media noise into leads to your site.

If you want to know more about how to write the right article for your SEO strategy, we have this guide about How To Write The Perfect Blog Article.

Example Of Successful Press Releases

To help you start the idea engine, we selected for you 5 significant examples of successful press releases.

Tips For Writing And Publishing A Press Release

There are a couple of tricks that can help you write and publish your first press release. We selected some of those for you.

Take Advantage Of Actual News In Your Press Release

This is a practice commonly known as “newsjacking”. Simply put, newsjacking is about taking real news from out there and finding creative ways to tie your brand to them.

Please just be careful not to play with sensitive news! Because if someone catches you taking advantage of tragic news just to sell your product, it could backfire in the worst possible way.

Our advice is to stick to technology and entertainment news. Is there a new Marvel movie coming soon? Use that to release your brand of homemade popcorn! It just takes a little creativity and good timing.

TBecome The Expert Data Source

Computer and smartphone with graphics and data
Can you share interesting information about your company? Do you already have any study about your web traffic, organic reach, or social media platforms? Share that as exclusive data generated by you. Journalists love exclusives and data, so give them something they cannot resist.

Use Your Press Release To Tell A Story

While sharing relevant data is important, people connect more easily with emotions. This may sound like a literary challenge, but nothing further to it!

You can tell the story of how your company came to celebrate 2 or 5 years running. Or how a personal tragedy became a successful business. Just remember your press release is NOT a Telenovela! Limit your sharings to the first and maybe last paragraph.

Let’s say your press release is about a new product. Right before you start sharing data, you can start with one paragraph about how you never thought the product your kid designed, was going to become a success. Or the story of that one tweet that made you come up with the idea.

Starting with a humane connection is also a great way to make your article lighter and easier to read.

Help Journalist To Cover Your Story

Journalist writing a story
Besides a good story, the other thing journalists love is complete information. Try to give them both. Make the relevant information, like the headline, or the contact info, easy to find and share.

Keep Your Press Release Short And On-topic

Reach not for the biggest reporters, but for the ones that matter
It may sound obvious to look for the most famous and respected media outlets and reporters to spread our story. The truth is: you don’t need the biggest reporters to cover your story, only the ones that are relevant to your niche.

For instance, you can reach the biggest media personality in your Twitter feed, but if they write about cars, and you have a bakery, it won’t help much.

That’s why, when looking for contacts to spread your press release, get into the niches where your product or brand already lives.

Keep your brand image aligned
When looking for journalists or newspapers Ask yourself these questions

  • Does their audience align with your brand or industry?
  • It Is important to make sure you are talking to the right niche

  • Do their values align with yours?
  • Make sure you are on the same channel and have similar views to avoid any triggered response.

  • Is their public image more inclined towards the positive side?
  • If the newspaper or journalist you want to reach has been involved in recent scandals or has any open view that makes them unpopular, maybe you should think twice.

  • Include significant quotes
  • Include a quote from the company owner, the designers involved in the process, or any personality involved in your release. This quote should summarize the essence of your piece… Why? Remember Journalists are busy people. f you give them a good quote they can just copy and paste, then writing about you just became super easy.

Press Release Template To Copy And Paste

Now it’s your turn to start working on your press release, but don’t worry, we got you! Here is a template you can copy and paste into a new document, so you can start writing right away.

Please copy and paste this format, You will see tags [like this one] to indicate which section you are in. Please remove the informative text and write your own. When you finish, delete the tags too.

********Press Release Template********

Write Here Your Headline. Make It Short, Concise, And Clear


[First paragraph]
[Location and date starts the first paragraph]
Bakersfield, Ca. – May 14, 2021– This first paragraph is like a Netflix synopsis. Answer who, what, where, and when, without spoiling the ending. Leave the juicy details to become part of the main body copy. Remember a journalist should be able to get all the general information about your release just from this paragraph. Some people use a bigger font size for this one.

[Body Copy]
Here’s where the rest of the information goes. You already showed us who, what, where, and when in the first paragraph, now it’s time to tell us how it happened, or what will happen from here.

Remember you don’t have to write a novel here, you just have to let us know the plain facts as clearly as you can. You can tell a brief story that helps you establish a humane connection. Just don’t lose track of the main topic.

You can also use writing techniques like the one known as “newsjacking” to take advantage of actual news from around the world. Please stick to technology and entertainment news. We don’t want the wrong kind of media attention because someone found your press release offensive.

While this section can be longer, try to keep the whole document under 2 pages to increase your chances of people reading it.

This is the section you need to take time to write, but you just need to write once. Here you need to answer as brief and concise as possible:

  • Who your company is?
  • What does it do?
  • Why is that important?

[Contact Information]
This is the shortest and simpler section, Just have to provide:

  • The department or division in your company that is responsible for the press release
  • Name of the person in charge
  • A phone number and/or email address

********End Of Press Release Template********


Writing press releases sounds more daunting than what is. Are you still not sure about when is the best moment to release a media announcement? Maybe what you need is to set your social media calendar right first. Check out this infographic to help you find the right timing all the time.

And if you still have any questions regarding your next press release, contact us on social media! We’ll be happy to help!

Top 10 Productivity Tips For 2022

Top 10 Productivity Tips For 2022

Productivity Tips

Productivity is the state or quality of producing an item. When running your own business, the most important daily goal an entrepreneur can have is to utilize as much time during the day to be as productive as possible. Here are 10 simple productivity tips that will give any business owner an increase in productivity as well as efficiency.

1. Create Clarity With Purpose Driven Goals

Create a clear sense of purpose for you to avoid procrastination. Many times, it can be a direct result of not having a clear concise goal. Establishing tangible targets and deadlines that allow you to be focused on your overall goal eliminates room for procrastination. Instead of thinking about what needs to be done next, you can fully immerse yourself on your next task once one has been completed. One of my mentors once said that 80 percent of your results will come from why you want to do something versus how to do something. It can be easy to do a mediocre job when your why isn’t strong enough. Make sure your purpose is strong and clear. Productivity Tips / Goals rural road

2. Work SMARTer and Not Harder

Another hack one can use to stay productive within their business is to always make SMART goals. Remembering this acronym can help an entrepreneur stay productive within their business.

  • Specific – Make sure your goals are specific and designed around your objective.
  • Meaningful – Reflect on your goals can ensure that each decision being made is meaningful and is aligned with what you define as important.
  • Action Oriented – Create a course of action for your goals.
  • Realistic/Responsible – Make your goals reasonable within your capabilities.
  • Time-Bound – Create deadlines and time frames for each of your goals.

Following these guidelines to achieve your goals will help you stay on track and make sure their establishment is being as productive as possible. For example, let’s analyze the importance of being specific with your goals. Let’s say your goal is to be rich, then what does that mean exactly? $1? $1 million? $25,000 in residual income? When do you want to achieve this goal? 1 year? 10 years? 100 years? Many new business owners I speak with have a general idea of what they want, but rarely do I meet anybody that has SMART goals. On the other hand, when I meet successful business owners, they can give you specific details of their SMART goals. Productivity Tips Work Smarter, Not Harder

3. Parkinson’s Law

Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion. Parkinson’s Law essentially means work fits into the time in which we give it. If we do not have defined deadlines for goals and objectives, our workload will continue to expand until our final completion deadline. It is important to create “Bright Line Deadlines”, deadlines that are adhered to prior to the completion date. This will not only eliminate procrastination but also allow for the project to fit into the time allotted. If your deadline is within one month, then make it your goal to complete the task within three weeks. You can always count on the unexpected; therefore, it’s always a good idea to try and give yourself a shorter deadline. This way you are not stressing out as you approach your deadline.

4. Focus On Non-Urgent Important Tasks

What is important is seldom urgent and what is urgent is seldom important. Important tasks directly contribute to the success of your long term goal. Urgent tasks need to be taken care of immediately but do not necessarily contribute to your overall goal. Finding a balance between an important task and urgent task will create a system that determines the efficient amount of time you need to spend dealing with both. Establishing this balance will train you to deal with unforeseen occurrences in a calm and collective way as opposed to being reactionary. There are dozens of things that are demanding our attention. Unexpected favors from friends and family, spam e-mail, notifications from social media, telemarketers, and that thing you were supposed to get done last week. Many of these distractions keep us away from the things that will have the biggest impact on our lives. We rarely seem to have enough time to complete a tutorial, read a book, have a morning meeting, go to the gym, or properly train our team. According to Stephen Covey, the author of the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, we are more likely to get better results if we can focus on tasks that are not urgent but important.

5. Give Up On Multi-Tasking

Research has shown that bouncing from activity to activity not only causes stress but doesn’t allow the entrepreneur to give their all when starting each task. Productivity routines are a much more efficient way to handle your daily task. Identify what the most important actions are that need to be worked on daily. Schedule specific times during the day to complete these tasks. Putting an end to multitasking may be difficult in the beginning, but this will bring a significant difference in the level of productivity to your establishment. One of my mentors once said, “Energy flows where focus goes.” If you want to feel like you have accomplished something today, then focus on completing one task at a time. It is often better to have 100 percent of one task complete, then to have one percent of 100 tasks complete.

6. Turn Off Notifications

You may be reading this and believe it is a crazy idea, but yes. Please turn off your notifications. Having too many distractions such as notifications will have you focusing on other people’s agendas as opposed to your own. For example, the goal of social media is to keep you on their platform as long as possible, because it makes them more profitable. Therefore, they are going to consistently show you the most engaging content based on your clicks and browsing history. In fact, according to, we have been spending more and more time on social media every year. As of this writing, the average social media users spend an average of 135 minutes on social media. Productivity Tips Turn Off Notifications

7. Unsubscribe Regularly

Schedule at least 10 minutes of time to read emails and unsubscribe to useless emails. The general rule of thumb for email subscriptions is if you haven’t benefited from the source after two weeks, then unsubscribe. These emails are filled with agendas that don’t necessarily benefit you. They will normally consume too much of your time and reduce your productivity level. Productivity Tips to Useless Emails

8. Build Motivation To Stay On Track

Understand what causes you to become unmotivated and less productive. More importantly, understand what motivates you. One suggestion would be to start a contract with yourself. Set deadlines and goals and real consequences if you do not meet them. Get the courage to tell other people your goals. This way your peers can hold you accountable for your goals. This will add an additional incentive to staying motivated. Also, change your posture. Anthony Robbins, the author of Awaken the Giant from Within says that our positive physiology is a key ingredient to breaking any negative patterns. The way we carry ourselves can affect our level of motivation. Sit up straight. Speak clearly. Speak aloud. This may seem like a simple and awkward task at first, but it will result in a significant difference in your motivation. If you are motivated and energized you will have an increase in your productivity. person wants to reach target

9. Set Boundaries and Stick To Them

It is extremely important to set forth boundaries for yourself as well as your goals. The first boundary you can set and follow through on can be your working hours. Many people start their day by reading emails immediately after waking up. This does not result in getting more accomplished or getting a head start on any task. If you set forth a standard work schedule ahead of time, you allow yourself to stay organized and to follow through with all major decisions. You should also establish a work area if working from home.

10. Build A Road Map To Success

It would be impossible for you to master all of the information given to increase productivity, but if you can implement these suggestions into a system that is unique to you, then you will notice a large increase in productivity. Some businesses may need to focus on boundaries and motivation while others may need to understand the disadvantages of multitasking. The important thing is to understand who you and your company are and take action on what you need to work on. We are told that knowledge is power; however, that is far from the truth. Knowledge is only potential power. It’s time to act right now! Even if it’s a small action that can lead you in the correct direction. So what action can you take right now that will help you become more productive? business partner working together

11. Bonus Tip

Follow the 4 Ds of efficiency.

  • Delete – If it’s not important, then delete it
  • Defer – If it’s not urgent, defer to complete it later.
  • Delegate – If someone else can do it, then hire someone to do it for you. For example, you can hire someone to help you with your website, graphics, bookkeeping, or marketing. You can get more accomplished by hiring the experts to do the job for you
  • Do – If nobody else can do it, then train someone. However, if nobody can do it right now, then you have no choice but to do it yourself, but this should be your last option. Written by Darren James

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