What Are The Benefits of Using Responsive Ads?

What Are The Benefits of Using Responsive Ads?

Are you looking for ways to effectively reach a broader range of audiences?

Utilizing responsive display ads can be the right choice for you. Responsive display ads are designed to adapt and render professionally on any device, so they are perfect for helping advertisers capture new customers through different channels. In addition, campaigns powered by responsive display ads enable advertisers to customize creative assets with ease while gaining visibility into how they are performing in real-time. Read on as we dive deeper into how responsive display ad campaigns can help increase your ROI and maximize success!

What Are The Benefits of Using Responsive Ads?

How Can You Make The Most Of Your Responsive Display Ads

Responsive display ads are a type of advertisement that is highly customizable. They are designed to change, so they can be optimized for each device and audience segment. Responsive ad formats can adjust their size, appearance, and messaging in order to deliver the most effective message, regardless of the platform or audience. With responsive display ads, you can quickly and easily reach large numbers of people with thoughtful and personalized tailored messages all while taking up minimal space on digital platforms. By responding to user needs and preferences, responsive display ads offer maximum reach with minimum effort in the digital space.

Why should an advertiser consider using responsive display ads?

Advertisers can reach people using responsive display ads by utilizing a combination of tactics.
Why should an advertiser consider using responsive display ads?
1. Targeting: Advertisers may target the correct audience by using targeting choices including demographics, hobbies, and browsing habits. The likelihood that the right people will see an advertisement is increased by the fact that many programmatic advertising systems enable advertisers to target their ads based on both these criteria and geography. For example, let’s say you want to sell wedding dresses. You can get really specific on who you want to target as seen in the example below.
1. Targeting: Advertisers may target the correct audience by using targeting choices including demographics, hobbies, and browsing habits
2. Placement: Advertisers can specify where their advertisements will appear, such as on particular websites or mobile applications, and they can utilize contextual targeting to make sure the relevant people see their ads depending on the content they are now viewing. For example, with Google Ads, you can
2. Placement: Advertisers can specify where their advertisements will appear, such as on particular websites or mobile applications, and they can utilize contextual targeting to make sure the relevant people see their ads depending on the content they are now viewing.
3. Retargeting: Marketers can use this strategy to re-engage customers who have already interacted with their brand, such as by visiting their website or following them on social media. For instance, this video shows you how to use Facebook Pixel to re-target your audience:
4. Lookalike Audience: Advertisers can develop Lookalike Audience targeting, which selects consumers with traits that are similar to those of their existing clients. You can accomplish this with Facebook as seen in the example below.
4. Lookalike Audience: Advertisers can develop Lookalike Audience targeting, which selects consumers with traits that are similar to those of their existing clients.
5. Brand Safety: Advertisers can make use of brand safety features to make sure that their ads are only shown on reliable websites or mobile applications, and to stay away from placements that might be deemed offensive or harmful to their brand.
5. Brand Safety: Advertisers can make use of brand safety features to make sure that their ads are only shown on reliable websites or mobile applications, and to stay away from placements that might be deemed offensive or harmful to their brand.
5. Brand Safety: Advertisers can make use of brand safety features to make sure that their ads are only shown on reliable websites or mobile applications, and to stay away from placements that might be deemed offensive or harmful to their brand.
6. Ad types: To maximize the likelihood that their advertising will be viewed and interacted with by their target audience, advertisers can employ a range of ad formats, including text, images, and videos.

These strategies let businesses use responsive display ads to reach their target audience and boost conversion rates.

Targeting your audience using responsive display ads helps advertisers in several ways.

A) Increased brand awareness: When advertisements are seen by the correct audience, there is a greater probability that people will remember the brand and perhaps use it in the future.
● Targeting your audience using responsive display ads helps advertisers in several ways.
B) Better measurement and reporting: By focusing on their target market, marketers are better able to track the effectiveness of their advertising, measure and report on it more readily, understand how their ads are doing, and make data-driven decisions about their ad spend.

Here are some real examples of responsive display ads.

Here are some real examples of responsive display ads
Here are some real examples of responsive display ads
Here are some real examples of responsive display ads
In summary, targeting your audience using responsive display ads can help advertisers reach the right people, increase the chances of conversion, and ultimately achieve better ROI.

Responsive display ads are an excellent way for advertisers to get their message out and reach customers in a new way. They allow you to quickly create different versions of an ad based on a template, customize the look and feel, and easily adjust the size to match any website or device. This flexibility helps you target the right audience and capture their attention more effectively than static ads can. Furthermore, responsive display ads can fuel advanced data-driven targeting strategies for any digital campaign, providing advertisers with more control over their campaigns and better results.

How Can Google Ads Help Your Business Grow? Top 8 Most Used Google Ads

How Can Google Ads Help Your Business Grow? Top 8 Most Used Google Ads

Once you’ve set your fundamental business goals to walk the steps that take you to them, it’s time to evaluate the benefits that Google Ads can provide you and take advantage of those tools to get to your goals.

Google Ads will raise your capacity to reach your potential customers. How? By satisfying the needs of consumers with every search.

1. Google Ads allows you to show up right when a consumer has a need.
For example, if a consumer is looking for a hair salon and Googles it, ads will appear in the results. Because it displays above the general results, the consumer will likely click on one of the advertisements displayed at a glance and satisfy the indicated needs.

2. Provides you with tremendous reach and targeting
There are several methods to find the type of consumer you need. You can accomplish this by utilizing keywords, location, language, interests, and other information such as age, race, education, employment, and income. You can even specify the devices in which your ads appear.

3. It lets you measure and track every action on your campaign.
If you can measure anything, you can improve it. So, you can see and measure which kinds of ads or campaigns have better results. You can know so by how many times your ad is displayed, how many people saw it, and how many times they clicked on it. and which of these actions became a conversion

4. It helps you see where to invest.
Identifies the cost per click, determines the cost per action, and analyzes behaviors with analytical tools.

5. You can set the frequency of your ads.
If the public you are trying to reach usually access the web at a specific time of the day.

Every day, people turn to Google to search for answers to a question, a place, and products to buy. Google Ads gives you the ability to show your ads to the right people at the right time and place. The capacity Google provides you is thanks to the data it collects from every consumer.
Web Design Accessibility Checklist
That being said, there is one key concept you need to know before you start your campaign: conversions.

What are conversions?

Conversion Tracking provides essential insights into user behavior after viewing or clicking on an ad. For example, you can track users who make calls, purchase products or install mobile apps. In addition, Google Ads offers different conversion trackers for other customer conversions.

Web Design Image Checklist

Why is conversion tracking critical for Google App Campaigns?

A conversion is an action that you have identified as valuable and want to track to see when it occurs on your website. Such as buying a product, installing a mobile app, or signing up for an email after a user clicks on your ad or displays your ad on your display network-mail list. For example, assume you want to follow when a user fills out a form: in this case, any time a user clicks on a Google Ads ad and completes the action counts as a conversion. So, for instance, if a hundred people clicked on the ad (you will receive one hundred clicks), only five completed the form (you will have five conversions). So, as you can see, by tracking which takes the desired action, we can better understand the performance of the campaigns and whether or not the users are doing what we expect.

Conversions are precious because they tell us which campaigns, ad groups, keywords, segmentation, audiences, and ads produce the best results and which produce the not so good.

Contact Forms Checklist

So, what type of campaigns can you do on Google?

Well, there are a variety of campaigns run by google. We described them for you:

A) Search Campaigns
It lets you appear in the search results
If the keywords are relevant to a user’s search, ads may appear in Google Search results and on other search sites.

Google Search Sites: In Google Search, ads can appear above or below search results. They can also appear on Google Play, the Shopping tab, Google Images, and Google Maps; besides, above, or below search results. In addition, ads from the Search Network appear on the results page.

Text Content Checklist
Google Search Partners: Ads may appear beside search results or as part of a related search or link block on Google search partner websites. Hundreds of non-Google websites, Google Videos, and other Google sites search for text ads.

On the Search Network, there are a variety of ad types.
Text ads, dynamic search ads, responsive search ads, and call-only ads are examples of different types of ads. On the Search Network, these are the most common ad types. These ads say “Ad” or “Ads” on the search results page, and they show as “Google Ads” on partner sites. Also, they often include information about their company, such as its location or phone number.

B) Display Campaigns
Display campaigns will let you appear with graphic ads in sites or apps. The Google Display Network lets you reach people through targeted display ads. For example, consumers search for their favorite websites, YouTube, check their Gmail account, or use mobile devices and apps.

What is the Google Display Network, and how does it work?

The Google Display Network exists to help you locate the appropriate audience. Your targeting options enable you, strategically, to display your message. As a result, your message will show to potential customers at the right time and place.

seo Website Checklist
Here, we show some examples of how you can use targeting in-display advertisements to your advantage:

Using audiences, you can gain new customers or interact with existing ones. For example, lookalike and in-market audiences enable you to target your ads to people interested in your products, allowing you to find new leads. You can also use data, such as remarketing lists, to re-engage people who searched for your site before.

Increase conversions by utilizing automation. With auto-targeting, you can increase conversions. You can do so by searching for high-performing audiences based on your existing audience and landing page. Google Ads can identify which audiences are best suited for your ads based on automatic optimization that occurs over time.

Automatic bidding adjusts your bid to help you achieve the desired return on investment. In addition, innovative Display Campaigns make your Google Ads conversions bigger. How? By combining the best of automated targeting, bidding, and creatives.

C) Video Campaigns?
When should video campaigns be used? If you want to stream video advertising on YouTube and others.

Security Website Checklist
All Google Ads advertisers, from newbies to seasoned veterans, should use this guide.

While showing video advertising may sound fancy, the beauty of these campaigns is how simple they are to set up and administer. You can utilize videos from your own YouTube account. In addition, you can track how well your video ads perform and make changes to their targeting just as you can with other Google Ads campaigns.

Google Videos allows you to download and share videos no matter time and location. The service already has a billing and distribution system in place for videos. The service is accessible to both media companies and home video enthusiasts.

E-Commerce Website Audit Checklist

● Achieve Your Objectives: Create a video campaign to increase sales, website traffic, and brand recognition, among other things.

● Reach the right audience: Target ads to YouTube users and Google Video Partners by topic, keyword, demographics, and more.

● Calculate your success as follows: Check to see if you’re reaching the right people. Keep track of view details, costs, and budgets in your Google Ads account.

D) Shopping Campaigns
Shopping ads show products for sale as well as links to them. They say “Sponsored” or tagged “Ad” or “Ads” on the search results page, and they may show as “Google Ads” on partner sites.

Shopping campaigns are how you manage your Google Ads Shopping ads. They are a flexible and straightforward way to organize and promote your inventory of Merchant Center products in Google Ads.

Shopping ads come in two forms that you can use to promote your store and your products:

Product Shopping Ads: These use the product information you provide in the Merchant Center.
Local Inventory Ads: These ads use your Merchant Center account data to combine product and inventory data. Here’s where you can learn more about local inventory listings.

Where do your advertisements appear?
Google wants to provide users access to the full range of products that match their search. It means they can look for the best match before clicking to buy, which could help you close the deal.

E) App Campaigns
What drives impact at scale for google app campaigns?

You’ll now be able to see UAC advertisements in the following places:

Google’s search engine Youtube on Google Play
Google Display Network is an ad network owned by Google. Here’s a quick review of how advertising appears in each property. Google Ads will automate targeting and bidding depending on the goals you choose and serve ads based on the information you give.

Unlike other campaign types, App campaigns do not allow users to create advertisements. Instead, ads generate in a variety of formats and networks. Ads go based on your app’s Play Store listing, extra text ideas, and what you specify in your campaign settings. The code below demonstrates how to define your campaign’s elements.App campaigns enable you to promote your Android or iOS apps across fundamental Google properties such as Search, Play, YouTube, and the Google Display Network. Here are two key points Google app campaigns are great with:

App campaigns enable you to promote your app based on a topic of particular interest to you. The campaign creation process differs slightly from other campaign types and consists of the following high-level steps:

● Create a campaign and enter your app information and ad channel subtypes, target types, goal types, campaign budgets, and bidding strategies.
● You can also specify targeting criteria such as language or location.
● You can also add ad group criteria to the user list if the campaign goal is to drive in-app action or value.
● Create ads with content-based ad types that correspond to the ad channel subtype of your campaign.
● Google Ads will automate targeting and bidding based on the specified goals and serve ads based on the elements you provide.

F) Smart Campaigns
Smart campaigns assist you in emphasizing your company’s business pitch and attracting customers. You can run a single campaign for your company or many campaigns. So you highlight the various products or services you provide, each with its own set of keyword themes.

How Advertisements Work
You should develop an ad that describes your organization when you sign up for a smart campaign. You must also select which keyword topics you want your ad to target and set a budget. Potential customers will see your ad on Google Search, Google Maps, YouTube, Gmail, and Google’s partner websites.
Ads may appear to your prospects in the selected region when they search for business-related phrases on Google or Google Maps. It may also display people who are not in your area but are looking for terms related to your business.

You can establish many Smart Campaigns. You can also select various budgets and keyword themes to promote different elements of your business. A computer shop, for example, could choose to run a general campaign named “computer shop” and a more targeted campaign called “keyboards.” you can customize keyword themes, budgets, and targeting options. Also, you can place various advertisements in each campaign.

G) Local Campaigns
With local campaigns, you may increase your ranking with local methods, which will help you gain greater visibility so that customers can find you.

Google Ads campaigns assist you to save money because they are less expensive than traditional promotion methods. They also allow you to improve your campaigns to get the most out of them.

They ensure that your prospects know where your business is, leading to more significant traffic.

You have the opportunity to learn more about your sales funnel interests. But, at the same time, it will give you more instruments with which to attract them. Customers can leave feedback on your business if you have a good list on Google My Business. If most of them are positive and potential customers read them, they will believe in your exceptional service. Positive feedback lends credibility. Understanding how to create local campaigns in Google Ads is fundamental. But first, you must become acquainted with the new ad formats made available by this service from the well-known search engine. This will allow you to work much more efficiently:

Auto Suggest Ads
Auto Suggest Ads, also known as auto-suggested ads, are presented based on the user’s location. As a result, when users search for a specific product or service on Google Maps, your ad will appear in alternative search options. For example, when a user searches for Asian food on Maps, this happens automatically. Google would be in charge of displaying an ad for a restaurant that serves this type of food and is close to your current location.

Navigational Ads
The second innovation is the navigation display. Users see the navigational display when using Google Maps to get directions. This is a way for people to place advertisements on their way to their destination. Navigational ads allow businesses to reach a more targeted audience by leveraging the needs of their users as they travel to their destinations. For example, if you drive home and see a bar nearby, you can use the navigation display to see what’s available.

Display occurs in an automatic form, for example, when a user searches Maps for food. Google would be in charge of displaying an ad for a restaurant that serves these types of dishes and is close to your current location.

Similar Places Ads
Finally, Similar Places Ads or ads from similar places take the third spot. For example, if someone looks for a particular business closed at the search time. Google displays similar companies; the company’s name appears with the label “Similar and open.”

The tool will show the nearby user locations of the same open and operational type. Without a doubt, it is an excellent opportunity for businesses to gain new customers by exploiting the competition’s weaknesses.

The example is simple: suppose you’re looking for a restaurant and it’s closed at the time you’re looking. The tool will display the nearest restaurant that is open for business. But, again, it is simply a matter of providing a solution to users and, as a result, driving new business discovery.

So it’s time to start employing the new Google Advertising in your local campaign! You now understand what they are and how to make them. It will benefit the expansion of your business plan and the reach of a larger audience, resulting in new potential customers. Google never stops developing, and these latest advancements prove that it is keeping up with consumer trends.

Businesses operating online must regularly update and alter their plans and campaigns to succeed. The program will show the user adjacent open and operational places of the same type. Without question, it is a fantastic chance for businesses to get new clients by exploiting the competition’s flaws.

H) Discovery Campaigns
Google Discover includes machine learning to select content based on previous activities. So then Google will most likely display relevant content before realizing we want to see it.

Suppose someone is in the market for new winter boots. Google will show the user winter boots ads even if you scroll through YouTube, Google Discovery, or Gmail later. Advertisements appear in your feed more naturally and less aggressively. Discovery ads allow you to remarket to people who visit your website but give up or give up on their shopping cart.

These are some advantages of Google Discovery Ads:

● Within a single campaign, you can get massive coverage of the target market (approximately 3 billion users) with relevant ads.
● A tailored, like-minded target audience Advertisements are entertaining and interactive.
● Use Google’s Customer Intent technology. Option for automated bidding to increase conversions, target cost-per-acquisition (CPA), and more.
● Showcase products and services in the “Home” and “Learn More” sections.
● YouTube video feeds When users check their inbox, it appears on the Gmail Social Media & Promotions tab.
● You can reach hundreds of millions of Google users. When you are aware of your interests, you will be able to discover

Discovery Campaign Metrics and Reports
You pay for each ad click on any platform. The interaction rate, or CTR (click-through rate), is the number of times people clicked your ad, then divided by the total of times your ad displayed. The total cost of your campaign divided by the number of ad clicks that lead to your website is known as pay-per-click (CPC). The total amount expended on paid clicks on interactive discovery ads. The interaction rate calculates by dividing the number of interactions with the advertisement by impressions. It displays the average cost of advertising and paid interactions.

How Much Are Google Ads?

After a successful PPC campaign, some companies have seen a significant increase in sales. As a result, many new businesses want to launch Google ad campaigns to test the popularity of their new product offerings and landing pages. When looking at the cost of Google Ads, it’s important to note that the cost of Google Ads campaigns is affected by a number of factors. Hence the question “How much does a Google ad cost?” There is no direct answer. You’ll need to research your niche to determine your appearance-per-click rate.

The pay-per-click mode gives you complete control over your budget. It enables you to weed out bad ads and measure your success while remaining cost-effective and profitable for businesses of all sizes. You pay based on the cost per click when someone clicks on your ad (CPC). As a result, you will only pay if someone clicks on an ad that leads to a landing page on your website or a Google-hosted landing page for your local inventory. When you create your Shopping campaign, you decide how much you want to pay for each click. You’ll only pay the smallest amount to rank higher than the advertiser below you, and you’ll only pay the smallest amount to a level higher than your most significant effort.

You may utilize the Google Ads Budget Calculator to get an idea of your first-time investment and start running your campaign!

If you need help with any of the campaigns mentioned above, then please feel free to reach out to us by calling 559-553-5000. We are a “Grow With Google Partner” and have helped hundreds of business owners like you. If you would like to learn more about Google Ads, then you can read more about Google Ads Complete Guide.



How To Use Google Ads To Reach My Business Goals -the Complete Guide

How To Use Google Ads To Reach My Business Goals -the Complete Guide

In today’s world, Google is the go-to place to find all types of business and products. After all, this is the best way for your audience to find out about your brand and products. That’s why it is so important to get familiar with Google ads and learn how to make the most out of them.

In this brief guide, we will show you why Google ads are so important, and how to use this service to reach your business goals.

Let’s get to it!

Google Ads -What Is It?

Formerly known as Google Adwords, this is an online advertising service provided by Google.

The way it works is by connecting people looking for products and services, with the brands and merchants that offer them.

For instance, look at the search results page for “Google ads”

google ads screenshot
As you can see, that first result is an ad. These ads are on top of the Search Results page and look almost identical to the organic search results. The only way to tell them apart is by the little “Ad” that appears at the corner.

You have to keep in mind that purchasing advertising from Google doesn’t necessarily mean that you will appear at the top of every search result. And the reason is: that’s what everyone wants. And that is exactly the reason to learn how to use the platform correctly.

How Do Google Ads Work?

Cartoon magnifying lens over a website on a laptop
Google ads work on a bid system. Let’s break it with an oversimplified example.

Let’s say you sell sneakers and want your store to pop up every time someone searches for the keyword “sneakers”. As you may imagine, you won’t be the only one there!

What happens next is, you and the others that want that keyword, place a bid for it. And the one with the biggest offer gets to appear in the first position on the Search Result page. To make things easier, you can decide your maximum bid when developing your campaign, and the algorithm takes care of the rest.

Of course, many other parameters affect this result. While setting up your ads campaign you can also decide a maximum daily budget, the demographics you are interested in, and many otter settings.

Google ads offer you three options to place bids

  • Cost-per-click. This is the cost you pay when someone clicks on your ad.
  • Cost-per-mile. The cost you pay for 1000 impressions.
  • Cost-per-engagement. The cost you pay per conversion. (subscribe, purchase, follow, signs-up, etc)

There is another factor you must keep in mind. The quality of your ads.

When someone types in your keyword, the algorithm will consider all the factors we mentioned before to determine if your ads pop up or not. But the algorithm will also be affected by the quality of your creatives.

This sounds threatening at first, but it is something you can use in your favor. That is because the higher the quality of your ad, the lowest cost you’ll pay per impression. Not to mention you will also be shown in a better position on the Search Results Page

Which Type Of Google Ads Campaign Should I Choose?

There are some campaign options for you to choose from.

  • Search campaign
  • Display Campaign
  • Shopping campaign
  • Video campaign
  • Other campaigns

Let’s take a look at what each one of them does.

Search Campaign

Search Campaign
This is one of the most cost-effective types of campaign, mainly because this means your results will only appear when people actively search for them.

Shopping Campaign

Shopping Campaign
This type of campaign shows your products directly into the shopping tab, but it also can show images of your products directly on the Search REsult page. These Campaigns work great for eCommerce businesses who want their products shown to potemntialñ buyers.

Display Campaign

Display Campaign
This campaign makes you appear on various websites across the Google partner network. This can include ads in Gmail or third-party websites.

Since the Google partnership network reaches more than 90% of all internet users and has more than two million websites, this option can help you reach broader audiences. However, a display campaign can make you appear in places you don’t want to be.

Video Campaign

Video Campaign
This is the one you need if you have or will produce your video ads. This option allows you to appear on Youtube at the beginning or in the middle of some videos. Your ads can also appear as discovery ads on the Youtube search results page.

Other Campaigns
This can be video, image, or text ads and will be shown in the Google Display Network, although these campaigns can be more specific.

The best part is you don’t need to design your ads. Google takes your app to store text and images and creates ad pieces, then the algorithm tests different combinations and chooses the ones with better performance.

Take your time to decide the type of campaign you need, or start by testing and measuring results. One of the best features of Google Ads is the amount of data you can get and analyze.

Using Google Ads For My Business -step-by-step

Let’s take a closer look at how to start using Google ads for your business.

Step 1: Get Your Google Ads Account

Google Ads Account
The first thing you need is to open a Google Account for your business. You don’t need to use a google email address (Gmail) but if you do, it offers some advantages and integrations.

Once you have it, go to the Google Ads website and click on Start.
esults you want and also the way they can use your bid money.

Step 2: Define Your Goals

The next step is to click on the “Start Now” button. This will take you to the dashboard, and there you need to click on “New Campaign”

On the next screen, you need to choose your campaign goals. This helps Google know what type of results you want and also the way they can use your bid money.

Google Ads

One of the best things you can do is to be clear about your goals. For instance, if you are starting your business it may be tempting to start a Sales campaign; but people won’t buy if they don’t know about your brand, quality, and products, so, it may be better to choose a Brand Awareness Campaign.

Step 3: Set Your Keywords And Business Name

You need to set your business name and a URL for the landing page your customers will be directed to when clicking on your ad.

Then you can choose the keyword themes that match your brand or ad. If you are not sure about how to choose the right keywords, take a look at the Google Keyword Planner.

Step 4: Define Your Target Audience

Cartoon magnet attracting people
This is one of the most important parts of the whole process. Here you need to choose where your ads will be shown. You can choose the people who’re in proximity to your physical store, a whole city, or a zipcode.

Step 5: Write And Design Your Ads

This is the part where you need to show your copywriting and graphic design skills. Of course, you can hire a Web Design Agency to take care of that.

You can get a preview of said ad before publishing it, and if you feel lost on the creative part, the Google assistant can become a great help.

Step 6: Set Up Your Billing Method

As clear as that. You just need to specify the paying method you will use to bid for the search results or to get displayed in the Google network, depending on the type of campaign you choose.

Google Ads Best Practices

Man taking notes on board
As you can see, creating the perfect Google campaign can be challenging. Sometimes you even need to find the adequate balance between using keywords and being readable. But what you need to do for sure is to plan your ads, set your landing pages right, and always measure results.

So yes. That’s a lot of factors to take on the count. The good part of all this is, when well done, Google ads can become your business best friend.

In this section, we are going to answer some of the most asked questions about Google Ads, and share with you some tips and many of the best practices that can help you to get the best possible results

What Is Natural Language Search And Why Is It So Important?

Voice search screen on a smartphone

Natural language search (NLS) is becoming very popular since it involves expressing keywords in the most natural possible way. The reason behind NLS popularity is because voice search is becoming more and more common and it represents a big share of search traffic.

It may sound confusing, but let us show you an example: Have you ever stumbled upon ads that sound like this?

“Incredible offer, get 10% off with this great offer for a limited time!”

This sounds unnatural, repeats words (offer) and it’s no solution focused.

If you write something like this:

“Get 10% off on Tacos every Friday at Antonio’s”

It is clear, straightforward, doesn’t overuse keywords and it has more chances to be considered “natural language” by the Google algorithm.

Introducing BERT

Google BERT’s blog page screenshot
This is a neural-network-based algorithm used for natural language processing, and it helps Google (and computers in general) to understand the way people use language. This little guy is the one that decides to show you recipes, after you type something that doesn’t have the keyword “recipes” in it, as “easy way to prepare chocolate pudding”

Keywords with more than 3 words in them are known as long-tail keywords, so most natural language keywords belong to this category.

Data shows that even when they have a lower search volume, people who use natural language are more prepared to subscribe, purchase, click or like, than the rest. That is also the reason why Google is giving a higher priority to natural language keywords.

Develop A Mobile & Desktop Strategy

Woman using a laptop and smartphone
Over 70% of web traffic happens on some sort of mobile device, that’s why it is so important to consider this as part of your ads strategy. And of course, we are talking about making them look right on all devices, but also about your audience and its behavior.

According to Smart Insights, most of the clicks on ads come from mobile devices, but most of the conversion comes from desktop.

That is the reason why you want to develop different strategies for those audiences. For instance, you can develop a brand awareness campaign for mobile, while using a sales campaign for desktop.

But you can also set IF variables, to make it even simpler. For instance, you can set your campaign to show a Call To Action that says “Visit Website” for mobile users, while it says “Purchase now” for desktop users.

How To Use Negative Keywords In Google Ads?

Up to this point, we have a good understanding of natural language, bidding, and types of campaigns, the next step in that field should be to pay attention to the limits of who can see our ads.

Negative Keywords allow you to set which searches you don’t want to appear in.

For instance, if you have a car repair shop, maybe you want to use “Vehicle repair service”, but if you don’t service motorcycles, you can set “Motorcycle repair service” as a negative keyword.


Pay Attention To Your Landing Page

Generic webpage on a laptop screen

This is one of the most common errors when creating a Google ads campaign. Many people direct customers to their business homepage or Facebook pages. The problem comes when the page does not match the ad.

For instance, let’s say your ad is about a special sale, but the place your customers are directed is your Instagram page, where there is no mention of said sale. Some people may look for it, but most of them will just leave.

Your landing page is also a crucial component of your whole campaign since people will decide if they trust your offer or not, based on it.

Your landing pages should be clear, have clear calls to action, and/or conversion buttons. It should be a very clear and precise roadway that shows your customers what you want them to do next.

Always Measure Results

Laptop with funnel
As Adam Savage would say, ‘the only difference between science and fooling around is to write it down”. You need to measure your results always so you can understand which parts are working and which ones don’t.

Google ads offer you some ways to measure results, and you can always choose to connect your analytics engine. Another step many people skip -and later regrets it! Is to check analytics regularly and make adjustments to the ads campaign accordingly.

Besides, all data you can gather around your ads, products, and services, can become amazingly useful when put to work. You can use this information to reach new audiences, understand better your customers, and even create new products and services.

This brings us to the next title

Be Flexible With Your Google Ads Campaign

The bad news is: There is no right answer to develop the perfect strategy for your business.

The good news is: You can (and should) find it out.

Keep in mind there are thousands of variables to consider before launching a campaign. The best thing you can do is to keep an open mind and remain open to tweaking some things here and there when the campaign is running. Sometimes you will even need to call out a campaign if it ends up costing more than what it delivers.

The goal here is to learn which strategies and keywords are delivering the best results. Sometimes you can start a campaign with one keyword that seems relevant at the moment, only to end up using completely different keywords a few weeks later.

Frequently Asked Questions About Google Ads

Business owner in front of the store
Before you start testing your new Google ads campaigns, here are 5 of the most asked questions about this service.

How Do Google Ads Help My Business?

The service that Google ads provide can help you reach people who are searching for your specific product or service. Google ads can also help you set specific goals like web traffic, app downloads, subscriptions, or purchases. It also helps you keep track of your results so you can improve your campaigns and get closer to your business goals.

Why Are So Many Businesses Using Google Ads?

One of the big benefits of this platform is that you can connect people who sell something with the people offering that something. But this service also allows you to change, tweak and modify campaigns on the go, based on real-time results.

Is Google Ads Any Good For Small Businesses?

Google ads are one of the best options for all types of small businesses either digital goods or physical stores. There are many reasons for the possibility to reach people already interested in our business, but one of the most important ones is cost-effectiveness.

How Much Does A Google Ads Campaign Cost?

There are many variables to consider before you can come up with the cost of your campaign, but the Google Ads platform is very clear and transparent as to what it is charging and why. The average cost-per-click up to 2020 was $1 – $2. Keep in mind you also need to develop a marketing strategy, a landing page and then copy and design your creatives.

Should I Use Google Ads Instead Of Facebook?

The thing is, there isn’t a yes or no answer. Think of the different platforms as ice cream flavors. It’s not about finding the best one, but the one your customers like. So, as we mentioned before, one of the best approaches you can take is to test, and then decide based on results. If your audience happens to be on Facebook or Instagram, it may be worth investing in those platforms.


As you can see, there are some things you need to consider before developing a Google ads campaign. And if your strategy is about eCommerce, you may want to take a look at these 5 key aspects of eCommerce Digital marketing.

If you still have any questions about how to develop an effective Google ads strategy, contact us! Let us help you get it right on the first try!

Surprising Little Gold Mine In Spanish Keywords

Surprising Little Gold Mine In Spanish Keywords

Have you ever thought about creating your website in another language? Do you ever get customers that purchase your products and or services that speak a second language? If the answer is yes, then you might want to consider creating your website in Spanish and English and doing some pay per click advertising.  We recently had a client that wanted to invest in a pay per click for his tire shop. As a result, we ran a search for “tire shop” in Google AdWords keyword tool and it had a suggested bid of $6.92 per click. Assuming a 2% conversion rate, then this would mean it would cost him around $342 to get one new client –50 clicks (x) $6.92 = $342. He said he normally makes around $140 when he sells four tires. As a result, it would be difficult to make a profit on this strategy.

However, the results changed dramatically when we went after the same keyword but in Spanish. The keyword “tienda de neumaticos” had a suggested bid of $0.05 per click. Assuming a 2% conversion rate, then it would cost him $2.50 to get a new client –50 clicks (x) $0.05 = $2.50. Since he normally profits $140 when he sells four tires, then his net profit came to $137.50 after pay per click advertising.

It turns out that very few businesses were bidding on these Spanish keywords; as a result, the cost per click was very low for many other keywords. This means he could not only bid on “tienda de neumaticos” but also bid on other Spanish keywords that were dirt cheap by comparison to the English keywords.

The only problem now was that very few people were searching online in Spanish. In fact, the keyword “tienda de neumaticos” only had 10 searches on Google per month. Nonetheless, once you factored in Bing.com searches and all of the keywords variations for his business, then we were able to come up with over 1000 searches on Google!  it was clear that we had stumbled upon a little gold mine!

All businesses are different; as a result, your Spanish keywords might be more expensive or there might not be enough traffic to justify the cost of creating your website in Spanish or creating a pay per click campaign in Spanish. However, it would not hurt to find out if this strategy might be a good option for you. We have helped over 500 businesses with their web design and internet marketing Call us today at 559-553-500 or send us an e-mail at [email protected] and we will get you free analysis report to see if this strategy might make sense for you.

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