How To Write The Perfect Blog Article – 6 Proven Strategies

How To Write The Perfect Blog Article – 6 Proven Strategies

How to write the perfect blog article in when inspiration just won’t come? Sometimes you will spend hours around the same two lines over and over again. Editing, deleting, editing again…

If you’re reading this, I’m sure you can relate.

Writing great pieces of content is not an easy task, but when you have the right tools, it can become an amazing, fun, and fulfilling experience.

  • Let me share with you some of the best tools I use to create engaging pieces of content. The best part is you can start using them right away.

1 Getting started

 Getting started

If you struggle each time you put yourself in front of a blank page, maybe the first thing you need to do is to define your process. This may sound complicated but it is super easy and can help you write more in less time.

For example, whenever I start writing a new piece of content, my process goes as follows:


Search for my keyword and pay special attention to the first results

You don’t have to read five times each article you find. Usually, the three most popular results can give you a really good idea about what the topic is about. Ask people involved and attack the subject from your perspective.

Take notes about the critical points

No brainer here. Just write down everything that seems relevant to your investigation. Remember you don’t have to get critical. Just write down things you find interesting. You’ll pick and choose from those notes later.

Create a list of all the subtitles that can be relevant to the topic

The same as the last point. As you research you’ll find some ideas that are more relevant than the rest of them. Write them down as a topic list. This list will help you develop in detail each relevant point.

Decide the structure of your article

Choose how you are going to approach the subject. You can create a list, a case study, an anecdotal post… Check the best approach for you and your audience, and go for it!

Start from the beginning

This may seem obvious but start with your intro. It helps you set your tone and approach. And as it does not require you to be an expert on the subject, it can relax your writing muscle, while you accomplish the first block of your article.

Not bad, right?

2 Choose the right topic

Choose the right topic

Now that you have decided on your writing process, the next step to writing the perfect blog article is to choose what to write about.

It will always work better if you write about things you like and know about. But if you want people to read your blog, you also need to know their interests. What do they want to read about?

The good news is that the internet has a couple of good answers for you.


Find your audience

There are many ways to know what people are interested in. Here are some things you can do to find out what itches your audience’s heads at night.

Comment section

Dive into your old posts comment section and pay attention to what people are talking about. Maybe the best post idea is already there.


People go to Quora to ask questions. You can explore any topic there, and find out exactly what people are asking about that specific topic.


Forums and Facebook groups

Reddit is an unending source of popular opinions. You can also find Facebook Groups for your specific niche. Remember these forums and groups are usually where people go to ask questions, but also to find a tribe.

Forums and Facebook groups

Amazon book reviews

What’s great about this option is you can search for your topic at Amazon, and immediately find about the books, methods, and ideas people are actually paying for.
Take a look at the complaints, and check what do people complain about

Amazon book reviews

SEM Rush

The last thing you want is to write about something that nobody is searching for. By going to SEM Rush and clicking on the “Keyword Overview” tab, then you can see the volume of that keyword, keyword difficulty, related keywords, and much more. Ideally, you want your article to have three elements.

1) High search volume
2) Low competition and
3) High intent to buy.

The chances of having a successful article increases significantly by doing this research upfront.

SEM Rush

As you can see, those are obvious steps, but if you get used to following them each time, it will help you focus and avoid wasting time.

Get in touch with your brand

So you did your research, came out with amazing topic ideas from Facebook groups and Quora questions, but now you have a couple of amazing options and you don’t know which one you should write first.

Well, the tiebreaker should be easy to find with one question: Which one works better for your brand? You may find an inspiring blog about composting, but if you write about Scandinavian design, maybe you should try something around that idea.

Put yourself in your customer’s shoes.

If you have a flower business, your most recurrent questions maybe something like: “how do I get to more customers?” or “How to find a good delivery?” but your customers are asking entirely different questions. One great tool to use is called It gives you many questions that people are asking on the internet around your key topic. Here you can find related questions to your main topic and include them within your blog post.

Put yourself in your customer’s shoes.

Those are the ones you need to know, but foremost, the ones you need to answer. You can find those questions in forums or Facebook groups as mentioned before.

Create a topic list

You will come out of your research with a big list of possible topics. Your next step should be to write them all down. Do not just write the ideas or possible title, write a little description, and the link that can take you there.

That way you will always have a growing list of possible topics to write, and the next time you can skip entirely the first two steps, and go straight to choosing your post for today.

3 Write an engaging header

Write an engaging header

People will decide if they will give you their attention as a result of the words you put in your header. So it is worth giving it a good thought.

Keep your header simple

According to Buzzsumo, there are many elements that create an engaging header people will want to share. Here are some of their findings and the way you can use them to hook your audience.

“Data will make you write amazing headers”

Headers with the words “will make you” have proven to be highly engaging for many audiences.

These three words work as a link between ideas and promises a high emotional reward as a result of consuming your content –which is awesome! But remember, once you made that promise, you have to deliver.

Some headers with that structure could be

  • 10 kittens That Will Make You Feel Better About The World
  • This grandpa’s surprise Will Make You Tear Up
  • 25 psychological tricks that Will Make You a more relaxed person

Get emotional

The use of emotional phrasing can help you get more views and more shares. Some emotional claims on a header can look like this:

  • Make you cry
  • Shocked to see
  • Make you feel alive
  • Melt your heart

Give explanations

We all love simple explanations, and if we are promised to understand something complex by reading a piece of content, we may click on it.

Try using words like:

  • This is why
  • The reason is

For example, you can use:

  • This is why you take so long writing blog posts
  • And this is the reason your dog won’t stop biting

4 Optimize your post for SEO

Do NOT underestimate the power of SEO. By putting the right words into the right places you can use search engines to your favor and get noticed by the right audience.

Let me show you some of the tools and methods from Backlincko I’ve been using for the last couple of years.

Shorten your URLs

Keep your URL short and tidy. That’s the best way to tell search engines (and people) what your page is about.

Avoid URLs that look like this*/FMfcgx

And try to make them all look like this:

Hosting services like WordPress, lets you change the structure of your permalinks. This way, every new post will look just right.

Shorten your URLs

To get a detailed explanation on how to do it by yourself, this video from Visualmondo can teach you how to do it in 5 minutes.

Shorten your URLs

Improve your meta descriptions

Your meta description does not influence directly SEO optimization. What it does, is giving your a
udience a preview of your post, in just a few characters.

For instance, if you ask Google “How to sell my car?” you will see this first results and meta description.

Improve your meta descriptions<

As you can see, the meta description lets you know if that’s what you’re looking for.

Instead of just copy-pasting segments of your post, use these characters to prove to the audience you know what you’re talking about.

Just ask the question “Why should people stop and read my content?” in a tweet, and there you have it!

You can use Portent to test your page URL, title, and meta description, before publishing content, to make sure it looks exactly how it should.

Improve your meta descriptions

Put your keywords in the right places

Using your keyword on the title lets search engines know what you are writing about. But if the rest of your content doesn’t make sense, you won’t have a chance against your competitors.

That’s why it is so important to use your keyword wisely.

Use it on your title. This will help search engines, but it also helps your audience.
Put it on your first paragraph, and use it a couple more times along your article. Just do not force it.

If you want to optimize your content, even more, there are subscription tools, like SEO Surfer that can give you very detailed information about your keyword and how to use it.

Put your keywords in the right places

5 Giving your post the right format

Giving your post the right format

Congratulations. By now you should have all the ingredients you need to write a compelling blog post. The thing is, just as eggs, milk, and flour are not a cake yet, your information needs a couple of things before becoming a blog post.

Take advantage of your paragraphs and subheaders

One of the big benefits of using subheaders is you end up writing dozens of mini-posts that can come together to tell a whole bigger story.

When you have a list of possible topics within your topic (your subheaders) the writing process becomes friendlier. Now you can write and expand as much as you need in dozens of mini-articles, about many related topics, instead of writing a thousand words about ONE topic.

Use bullets and lists

There are a couple of things worse than trying to read a big chunk of letters. That’s why you want to break all the information as much as you can, in every way possible. Here’s where bullets and lists come to play.

People use to skim through blog posts and articles before they decide to read them. When you use subheaders, you help them understand what the post is about, so they can realize they want to know more.

If you have 3 or 4 tips you want to share, maybe you can find a couple more and turn that into a list called “My top 5 strategies to get comments on Instagram”.

Be creative. Sometimes the best way to say something is to just write it as it goes; but sometimes you can rearrange the information into smaller, easier to understand chunks presented as a list.

Use images

Images do say more than a thousand words, but what’s best is they can help you connect with your audience on another level.

Remember we talked about adding an emotional component to your writing? Well using compelling images can help you not only to illustrate your point. But also can help you to connect with your audience on an emotional level.

If it all possible always use original images. However, if you don’t have any original images, then you will want to buy stock photography images. We like to use because they offer great images at a very affordable price. There are a lot of other websites that claim to offer you free images. However, just because it says free it doesn’t really mean it’s free. One time we had a situation where a client used an image from a website that said “Free wallpaper images”. Next thing you know our client gets a nasty letter saying that they needed to pay $1200 for copyright infringement. It may be tempting to grab any image from the internet, but it’s better to pay $1 with and not have to worry about it.

Use images

Take a look at your forums or Facebook groups and check which type of visuals they use. Chances are your posts will become more attractive and engaging.


Most word processors (like Word or Google Docs) can spell check your writings. Even with that, there are a lot of little details that won’t pop out.

What you should do is to spell check the entire document, and then read it again to make sure things still make sense.

There are a couple of tools you can use to make sure your post came out concise and easy to understand.

Grammarly – It helps you find not-so-obvious grammatical mistakes and improve your speech


Hemmingway App – This web app helps you keep your post simple and easy to understand.

Hemmingway App

6 Promote your content on Social Media

To write the best blog post is not just about the writing part, but also about getting people to read it.

As you can see from this study by eMarketer, 71% of internet traffic is leading to a social media platform.

Promote your content on Social Media
That’s a very good reason to take a look at these tips on how to promote your content on social media.

Cast yourself

Seriously. Open your camera, hit REC, and tell your audience, with your own words, why they should read your blog. Platforms like Facebook prioritizes this kind of content and can help your followers to know the person behind the keyboard. Many people think they need a high-end camera, but many of the cell phones from today can take high-quality video. Just make sure you have plenty of lighting

Post phone friendly content

Social media is the reason why we cannot put our phones down. According to Backlinko, 98% of users access social media using a mobile device. But 78% of them access their networks using ONLY a mobile phone. That’s why all your content has to be friendly with mobile devices.



As you can see, writing the perfect blog article may seem challenging at first. The truth is with the immense amount of learning platforms and online services we have, you can master this skill within days.

Which tool are you going to use first? Are you going to develop your topic list? Or maybe start dropping more emotional words on your headers?

Tell me your favorite strategies, and if you have a different, better one, please let me know!

Written by Luis Chavez and Salvador Mendez

If you enjoyed reading this blog article, then make sure to read 21 Best Marketing and Sales Tools


All You Need To Know About Insurance Marketing – 7 Strategies To Boost Your Business

All You Need To Know About Insurance Marketing – 7 Strategies To Boost Your Business

To learn all you need to know about insurance marketing is not an easy task. Great marketing is a necessary component for any successful business, with insurance being a business that can grow exponentially when combined with good marketing.

You need to have a strategic vision, concrete goals, and measurable data, or else marketing your business effectively will be a great challenge. Let us show you some of the most important strategies we have tried for years.

Knock Some Offline Doors

The leads are out there. All you have to do is knock and sell, which costs you (relatively) nothing. This also allows you to create a personal connection which is hard for you to achieve any other way. You can even self-underwrite the property by skipping right over the house if you see things an insurance company would not like.

Team Up For Customer Discount Cards

You can team up with local businesses such as ice cream parlors and dry cleaners. You can offer a discount or freebie for being a customer of multiple affiliated businesses.

Get in your car and drive around the area. You may even find new businesses you truly like. Present yourself as a friendly face to your neighbors and propose to them to help each other!

Try working with a local shop by sponsoring a gift certificate giveaway fishbowl. You can use this drawing for leads, and even offer a nominal value gift card as a consolation prize for getting a free quote.

Put Me In Your Phone

As part of your client onboarding, ask new clients to save your contact info in their cell phone contacts. They will always have your number if they have a question or claim, plus they will always have your information to pass on to referrals.

Host a Boat Safety Class

Clients that have boats to insure, typically have homes to insure, cars, and families that can benefit from additional insurance coverage as well.

Buy an Old Agency’s Phone Number

This is my favorite simple strategy that can be very effective. Someone is calling and already on the line with insurance questions and even though you might not be who they were trying to reach you can surely answer their questions and provide them with their insurance needs. You can benefit from the marketing that the old agency already did as well as from your own.

Embrace The Digital World

Embrace The Digital World

These platforms have evolved from mere sources of entertainment to sources of information. Most importantly, they are where your audience spends most of its time. This makes these platforms the best place to reach out to potential clients both via your company page and through targeted ads.

If you doubt that social media is the most important place for your marketing campaign, consider that 68% of all Americans have a Facebook account, and 75 percent of those visit the platform daily.

Start A Blog

Start A Blog
It is nice to share your story and how you feel about certain products so that customers can get to know you and who it is they are giving their business to. It can create value for the customer and is an easy way for them to share it. It can also be a big time-saver by addressing questions like why a client’s premium went up due to an accident.

To get people to find your blog, you’ll need to optimize your content for SEO. These are three things you can start doing right now.


  • Research First, Write Later
    Plan your content based on keywords. SEO optimization means to follow the trend. You do not need to re-invent anything, most of the time you just need to do good research to nail the right topic.
    Keyword research lets you know what topics people are asking for. Besides, proper research will leave you with tons of ideas to write even more posts.
  • Optimize Your Title
    You can help search engines to know the topic of your article with a good title. That’s why it is so important to include your keyword on it.
    Try to keep it short. Remember the functionality of the title is also to engage your readers. So let them know what your article is about in a few words.
    You can use the Google SERP snippet optimizer to foresee how your page will look on the google results page.
  • Get Analytical With Your ResultsInstalling Google Analytics into your website not only lets you see your traffic. It allows you to compare all your articles and analyze the data to find patterns. Maybe you realize people tend to engage with some topics, but not so much with some others.

Use Video Platforms To Your Advantage

Use Video Platforms To Your Advantage
The power of video content in marketing is beyond awesome. Different types of online and offline businesses are already using it in many and very profitable ways. Here are some of those.

  • Video Proposals
    The more opportunity to see and hear you talk about insurance, the more likely they will want to buy it from you. You can use it to create business quotes while it is easy to share and upload them to your website.
  • Live Video
    You may be surprised at who shows up and pays attention which can open up a whole new window of clientele. Live video is only going to become more and more prominent in the online quest for attention, so developing this skill enough early is often a good idea. These videos are easy for people to share with the people they know being able to open a new window of clientele.
  • Make a Sales Video Series
    You want to be different from the typical sale’s pitches that people have to constantly hear to make you stand out from the others. Make a video or videos explaining the products or services that can differentiate you from the competition.

Do Not Duplicate Content

Your insurance agency should not treat its content as a game of Mad Libs, as Google can pick up on this and will lower your website’s rankings. Spending the time to create unique content for each industry or location will improve your SEO and show potential customers that your organization is committed to quality work.

Turn Followers Into Buyers

Turn Followers Into Buyers

Content marketing goes together with social media marketing. Clients are not always actively searching for a new insurance policy, but that does not mean you should let your name fade from their minds during that time.

Therefore, it is important to engage your client base with more than just basic ads. Instead, talk about issues in your industry, answer questions, and encourage people to start conversations on your social media pages.

By engaging people who are not actively seeking your services with meaningful, engaging content, you will keep your company’s name at the forefront of their minds. When it comes time for them to seek insurance services, they are more likely to think of your company.

Do Not Oversell

Post regular, engaging content your target audience finds important. Try to start a conversation by talking about meaningful issues that might engage their interest. Your prospects will feel they know your company in a personal way, and you will gain a reputation for being active and engaged with your customer base.

Take Good Care Of Your Website

Use Video Platforms To Your Advantage

Maintaining your website is one of the most important things you can do to optimize your online marketing campaigns. This means that your website has complete, current, and easy to understand information about your services and contact information.

  • Easy To Navigate
    Remember, if interested clients cannot contact you, there is no point in advertising. Make sure your website is crisp, clean, and easy to navigate. All information that potential clients need should be readily available.
  • Start A Mailing List
    Another great idea is to provide online forms that make it easy for people to sign up for your email list in a few easy steps, giving you a chance to reach out to them directly daily.
  • Keep Your URLs Short
    Search Engines penalize sites with long URLs. This is particularly important if you write a blog. We recommend that you set up your webpage to auto-generate short URLs for each new post.

If you are using WordPress you can change your permalinks easily. Here’s a video tutorial from Visualmondo that teaches you how to do it.

Care For Your Customers

Care For Your Customers

It always helps when you go above and beyond a current expectation. Care about the issue at hand and take personal responsibility for making sure the client’s needs are met. The smallest amount of acknowledgment can create a big impact that could turn into a client for life.

Handout Emergency Information Cards

It is a good idea to have important numbers like the fire department, police, poison control, and the local parks department on hand instead of having to take the time to go searching on google or yellow pages. Make branded cards that your clients can post on their fridge or carry in their wallets.

Host a Boat Safety Class

Clients that have boats to insure, typically have homes to insure, cars, and families that can benefit from additional insurance coverage as well.

Start a Local Community Organization

You can meet new people and network while helping your community at the same time.

Go Green

The health of the environment can be very important to some people these days. Think about how your business can go green, and help others by educating about energy efficiency for your home insurance clientele.

Increase Your Brand Awareness

Increase Your Brand Awareness

Although it may come off as obvious, potential clients cannot interact with or reach out to your brand if they do not know about it. A marketing campaign with SEO can connect your agency to consumers who may not have otherwise discovered you. The majority of agencies that invest in marketing hope to see a rise in website traffic, which results in increased brand awareness.

Use Your Corporate Image

Creating an email signature and email signature template. Make sure to include all of your business contact info, your social media handles, and a list of your lines of the insurance business.

Make an Everything-We-Sell Sheet

You can list the main lines you deal with in your email signature, but it is better to still make a full sheet showing everything that your agency sells. Go over it with every client at sign-ups and renewals.

Sponsor An Auto Show

You can meet a lot of potential clients by helping the local auto show with sponsorship. Plan to attend and meet the participants and attendees.

Sponsor a Motorcycle Ride

The typical motorcycle rider is often older and more responsible. They make great insurance customers because motorcycle insurance is a great segue into other lines of business.

Do Not Leave Marketing A Secondary Role

One of the biggest, yet most common mistakes insurance agencies often make is utilizing employees (generally sales staff) to perform marketing as a secondary role. While sales staff is good for making outbound connections, they are not trained to perform inbound marketing, whereas a full-time marketer can handle both.

Most agencies also do not realize their website is their most cost-effective sales asset and is also part of their sales team. The sales department will have a much better time closing business using their website.

Care For The Quality Of Your Leads

Care For The Quality Of Your Leads

The main focus of your insurance agency or brokerage is most likely to expand its book of clients. If individuals are not frequently calling your sales number, you could risk profitability. Therefore, most agencies that employ a marketing campaign look to receive a steady increase in qualified leads.

Try “Nice Car” Cards

People with nice cars tend to buy good insurance and like to hear compliments on their cars. Whenever you see a nice car parked, you can leave a business card with a personalized compliment. Put it in a place where they will for sure see it and potentially call for a quote.

The Relevance Of Cross-selling

Cross-selling is an important technique in the insurance industry. An individual that purchased a policy from your agency is much more likely to buy another policy than one who has never heard of your agency before. The majority of agencies who invest in an insurance marketing campaign are aiming to not only expand their book of clients but also increase profitability from each customer.

Handout Smoke Detector Batteries

Smoke detector batteries can be a great item to brand and give out to your car insurance customers, so they can think of getting their home insurance with you too. Besides, it is an item that is always good for someone to have, especially when it is given for free.

Do Guerilla Marketing

Do Guerilla Marketing

Anything that gets people talking is considered Guerilla Marketing. You can do all kinds of activities. Use your imagination and think of innovative ways to deliver a message. Here are some examples you can use:

Place a Wrecked Car In Your Lot

A wrecked car is a conversation piece, especially if you have it parked in your lot for several days. It is a great opportunity to discuss safety, proper coverage levels, and safe driving discounts.

Chalk Your Sidewalk

If your office is in an area with heavy foot-traffic, try chalking your sidewalk. Make it big, aesthetically pleasing, and invite them inside for a quote, policy review, and refreshments.

Get a Bigger Sign

Consider a new sign, or negotiate with your landlord for a larger sign or more prominent placement.

Put Your Picture On Your Marketing

Put your picture on your outdoor advertising like a billboard or bus stop so people can personalize and put a face to who they are doing business with.

Wrap Your Car

You can be your mobile billboard if you have your car professionally wrapped with your insurance agency logo and tagline, or, less permanently use a highly visible magnet when you’re parked somewhere with a lot of traffic.

Get A Column In The Local Paper

Consider contacting a local paper about a column. There is always a need for trusted local experts to give winter driving tips, open enrollment explanations, etc.

Participate In A Charity Walk/Run

Participate In A Charity Walk/Run
By doing this, you can help your community, stretch your legs, and get recognition for your business by getting involved.

Advertise In Church Bulletins

Churches always appreciate ways to save on costs, and advertising your business can help you make new connections. After developing a relationship you can try offering to conduct safety or insurance Q&A seminars for parishioners.


As you can see, there are many strategies you can follow to improve your sales. Let me know which one you are going to try first!

Do we leave something out? Tell us in the comments!

If you enjoyed reading this blog article, the make sure to read how to gain more construction clients

How to Get More Construction Clients

How to Get More Construction Clients

Get More Construction Clients For Your Business

To get more construction customers, you need to create a system that continually generates new clients is one of the most important steps in growing your business. This can be especially true for many contractors because once you finish a project you’ll want to keep your staff working. But how do you keep the leads coming in? There are a few things you can do to help keep these leads streaming into your business. The following 7 ways of generating construction, leads can help you get started.

Step 1) Make Sure Your Website Looks Professional

Get More Construction Clients With a Website

A professional looking website can make or break your relationship with potential clients within the first few seconds of them arriving on your construction business’s landing page. If your website is appealing to the viewer, they are more likely to spend more time on your site. This leads to them learning more about you, your company, and your abilities, and possibly hiring you for their next project. The way your website looks also influences the way customers see your business. If it is professional looking and well maintained, they will have a much more positive view of your business and have higher expectations for success. Here is a quick checklist of some of the most important elements that your website should have:

1. Do you have recent testimonials of your construction clients on your website?

When you say that your services are great, then it’s expected that you would say that. However, when you have real testimonials from actual clients that you have helped, then it will make a huge difference in the credibility of your services.

2. Is my website mobile and tablet friendly?

More than 80% of all searches done online today in the USA are being done through mobile devices.

3. Is my website secure?

Your website must have an SSL certificate, your plugins must be up to date, and you should be running the latest version of your website platform to avoid getting hacked.

4. Does my website have a call to action to gain more construction clients?

After lots of trial and error, we’ve learned that when you include a “Get Started Today” button on your website will get higher click through rates.

5. Does my website have stock photos or real pictures of my projects?

According to Backlinko, your website is likely to rank higher if it has real pictures instead of stock photo images. You should make it a habit to always take pictures of all your projects. This way your website stays fresh and reflects your actual work.

6. Does my website include my certifications?

If you are SBA certified, NUCOR certified, STAR Building System certified, or have any certifications, then these logos should be clearly displayed. This way potential customers can clearly see that you qualify for their projects.

7. Does my website load fast on mobile devices?

If your website doesn’t load under 3 to 5 seconds on mobile devices, then your bounce rate will increase and you’ll lose ranking on Google. Moreover, people will likely not want to visit your site because it takes too long to load. Here is a good tool to help you check the speed on your website To get our complete 67 web design checklist, then please call us at 559-553-5000 or contact us today.

Step 2) Make Your Business More Visible Online To Land More Construction Clients

SEO Example

Another important thing to do is to make sure your construction company is seen by more potential customers who are actively looking for your services. One of the best ways to accomplish that is to show you up on Google for keywords that show an intention to buy. For
example, a keyword like “contractor near me” is more likely to get you business versus “role of the contractor”. There are thousands of keywords that are related to the keyword contractor. You’ll want to follow the steps below to ensure you get the maximum results from your search engine optimization efforts:

1) Keyword Research

You can use tools like Google Keyword Planner to find out what keywords are being used to find people like you in your industry. Once you have a list of possible keywords, then you’ll want to filter out the keywords that don’t show an intention to buy.

2) Keyword Competition

You might be tempted to go after keywords that are in high volume. However, this can be a serious mistake, because sometimes certain keywords are so competitive that it can take years before you begin to rank for them. Therefore, it would be better for you to
rank for keywords that are less competitive and have enough search volume. You can accomplish this by going to Ubbersuggest or KWFinder. These tools will help you narrow down the keywords that have enough search volume and don’t have too much competition.

3) Keyword Focus

Now you’ll want to create a dedicated page based on your keyword. For example, if your keyword is “Kitchen Remodel Contractor”, then you’ll want to create a web page that focuses on content that focuses on the keyword “Kitchen Remodel Contractor”. This will let search engines know that your web page is a good match for that keyword. According to our own experience and many other SEO experts, it’s best to write at least 1500 words. The more in-depth and detailed you talk about your focused keyword, then the more
likely you’ll rank higher on the search engines. Google and other search engines look at what’s called “dwell time”. In other words, the longer someone stays on your website, then your web page is seen as more relevant to the searcher. Therefore, if you have enough content on your web page, then people are more likely to spend more time on that web page; as a result, this will increase your “dwell time’ and increase your overall rankings.

4) Domain Authority

Your website can have a domain authority of anywhere from 0 to 100 with 100 being the best. You can check your domain authority by going to You have a better chance of ranking for your chosen keyword if you have higher domain authority than your competitor. So, how can you increase your domain authority? The best way to increase your domain authority is by having other high authorities and relevant websites create a link that goes to your website. To accomplish this, you’ll need to create high-quality content that people will want to link to. If you can include an infographic and a video as part of your web page, then you’ll increase the chances of getting a link that goes to your website. Finally, you’ll want to reach out to any website owners and give them a reason to create a link that goes back to your website. This is a script you can use to send out to them:

Hello ____,
I noticed that you referenced an article that talked about “kitchen remodels”. I recently wrote an article about “kitchen remodels”. However, my article includes kitchen remodels that can be done under $5000 with many examples and an infographic. Here is the link to the article: of a great article.

After reaching out to many people, then you’ll be able to get them to share your article or web page on social media and On people can share your article for free as long as you can do the same for them. If you have a high-quality article or web page, then people are more likely to want to link back to you as well.

Growing Business Example
Here are some other ways to get people to link to your website:

1) Newspapers/Magazine 

You may also want to consider having your local newspaper or magazine write an article about your business. Just make sure that the newspaper or article creates a link that goes to your website.

2) Friends/Family

Ask your friends and or family members that own a website to link to yours.

3) Chamber of Commerce

Are you part of any associations? You’ll want to make sure that those associations you are a part of mention your business on their website.

4) Local Directories

If you go to, then you can run a local scan on how often your business appears in the local directories. You’ll want to make sure that the name, address, and phone number are consistent throughout all of the directories. Yext will want to charge you expensive yearly fees to fix your directories. However, we recommend that you get listed manually since many of these directories are free.
Does this entire process seem a little overwhelming? Call us today at 559-553-5000 and we’ll handle this process for you.

Believe it or not, there are thousands of keywords that people use to find your service. is to make sure you have someone on your team doing search engine optimization (SEO). Some of the best leads you’ll get will come from search engines. is a way to ensure you are getting the most out of your website’s ranking in online search results which helps gain visibility for your business. How accurate your SEO is will determine how high your site ranks on search results pages it shows upon. If your site is higher on the search results page, customers are more likely to click on your website, giving you more opportunities to gain clients.

To use SEO successfully, you need to include keywords in your text you think people looking for services like yours may be used as search terms online. Keyword text can be in the body text of your website, or the titles of your web pages. The more relevant your keywords and the more the content from your site is linked through other sites online, the higher your site will rank on the search results page. Utilizing SEO correctly is an easy way to improve your ranking in organic search results.

1. Utilize Visual Content on Your Website and Social Media To Obtain Additional Construction Customers

Eye catching Website Example

Visual content is one of the fastest ways to draw a customer’s attention in marketing, especially with a trade like construction. However, there is a limited period to grab some one’s attention. Usually, any content has about 8 seconds or less to get a viewer’s attention. A visual element can get your message across much more easily than text ever could in that short amount of time. Customers also love to see what you can do and what better way to show them your construction skills than through a picture or video of your work? Before and after pictures are a great tool for showing customers what you can do. Pictures, in general, can be a powerful tool when converting potential clients into current customers. Let them see your skills. Whether they find it on your website or social media page, if a customer can visually see for themselves what you are capable of creating, they are more likely to trust you with their current and future construction projects.

Additionally, visuals are more interesting to look at than text and can be more interactive for the viewer. People look for the details in pictures. This is why having high-quality images is so important when marketing your business online; people will move on if the detail isn’t there. Not to mention, if the image quality is not there, you cannot see all the hard work you put into your projects.

Visuals also get shared more often on social media than text-based posts do. No matter if it is an image or video, having your content shared more often online gets your social media pages or website more views, and with more people seeing your work and content, there are more potential customers at your fingertips.

2. PPC Ads for Contractors To Get More Construction Clients

PPC example

Search engine optimization is one of the best ways to get clients. However, you recently read it can be an exhausting process. We understand that you may not have time for all of that. Therefore, you may want to get on the first page of Google and other search engines by paying them. PPC ads are one of those options. PPC ads, or pay per click ads, are available through search engines. Pay per click ads works by having the business owner pay a predetermined price that is set by the business owner. If they click on your ad, then it will redirect the user to your website and you get traffic to your website. If you have a good website, then you will likely be
able to get your phone to ring to set up an estimate. The cost varies based on what keywords you are trying to rank for because you are entering a live bidding auction. Most contractors we work with pay an average of $1.50 to $5.00 per click. So, let’s say you have a budget of $500/month and your average cost per click is $3.00, then this means you can expect to get at least 166 visitors to your website. The number of clients you can generate from these 166 visitors can vary depending on the quality of your website and what systems you have in place after they call you.

3. Take Advantage of Your Social Media Pages To Maximize Outreach of Consumers

Social Media Example

Social media can be very useful in generating new construction customers. You can interact with them on a personal level and make new connections. You can connect with not only new customers but other business owners in your area as well. It can open up your business to a whole new market of customers and make it easier for more customers to find your business.

Your social media pages are an easy way for customers to get to know your business and interact with you. You can let them know what your business is all about and respond to any questions or comments customers may have. If you are willing to interact with and have conversations with customers, they will have more trust in you and your company.

Social media is a good way to connect with other local businesses that may be willing to refer customers to you if you are willing to return the favor, too. Even something as simple as a shoutout on another business’s page can give you exposure to a whole new group of customers you may not have reached otherwise.

4. Start a Referral Program To Increase Your Construction Clients

Get More Construction Clients With Referrals

Satisfied customers are one of your biggest assets when it comes to finding more construction leads, so having a referral program is a great idea. This is one of the most inexpensive ways to get more leads as well. If a customer is happy with your work, they most likely will also want to help you succeed; this is the best time for you to ask for a referral.

There are a few ways to utilize a referral system. There is always the traditional way of calling and talking to your previous clients and this can be a very successful technique but can take some time. There are other options you can take advantage of that help reduce that time. Add a referral page to your website to make it easy for your customers to refer their friends and family. You can add the link to emails as a little reminder you are always open to having your customers refer others to you.

A good way to get people motivated to refer others to you is to offer little rewards for them doing so. For the customers that refer another to you, you can do a small discount for them on either a current or future project after referring so many customers to you. For new customers, you can offer things like a free estimate or a discount on the project they are starting with you. Little things like this can go a long way in showing customers you care about and appreciate them.

5. Keep in Contact To Recieve More Construction Clients

Keeping in Contact To Get More Construction Clients

Possibly the most important part of getting and keeping customers for any business, do not forget to stay in contact with both the clients you have previously helped and any leads you receive. If you keep in contact, a customer is more likely to think of you when they require the services you provide. Keeping in contact with customers is also a way of giving your clients excellent customer service, which in itself will help you generate new clients.

There are a few good reasons to stay in touch with your customers you have completed projects for. First off, sometimes customers do need services from you again but had not gotten the chance to contact you. People get busy and things get pushed out farther then they expected. Give them a call and let them know you are there when they need you and they might end up telling you they have another construction project in mind for you already. Another thing you can do see if they have anyone that might be wanting to start a construction project you could help with. Some customers do not even think about referring you to others until they are asked.

After you do have a lead or referral, you need to be sure to contact them as well. This is a way for you to introduce yourself and to let them know you heard they may be needing help with their project. Letting a customer know you were thinking about them gives the customer more trust in you and your ability to guide them on what will be right for their needs when it comes down to getting the construction work they need completing.

By using the suggestions above to help generate leads, you will open up the doors to more projects for your business in the future and keep your customers coming back. Keep your content engaging and interactive to keep the conversation going with your customers.  Keeping the communication between business and customers will help build the trust your customers have in your company and lead to them trusting your judgment with their next construction project. But, how do you get started and make sure you get the most out of it?

By following the items mentioned above you will be able to get more construction clients. We can help you through the process. We have been helping businesses with their online marketing since 2008 and can help your business too. Give us a call at (559) 553-5000, or do a live chat with us now by clicking on the chat feature to the right.

 If you enjoyed reading this blog article, the make sure to  Top 12 Mistakes Contractors Make When Selling Their Services

Top 12 Mistakes Contractors Make When Selling Their Services

Top 12 Mistakes Contractors Make When Selling Their Services

Top 12 Mistakes Contractors Make When Selling Their Services

What does your top competitor have that you don’t? They likely have a better sales funnel than you. You are likely missing out on many new better paying clients because you are not aware of some of the mistakes you are making in your sales funnel. If you get 100 leads, but out of those 100 leads you only convert 35 of those leads into clients. This means you likely have some leakage in your funnel. Here are some ideas that will help you plug those leaks from your sales funnel. These are mistakes contractors can make when selling their services:

1) Not Having Quality Leads Can Be a Mistake When Selling Services

I often see contractors sign up with companies that promise them leads. The problem is that many of the leads they are buying are also being shared with other contractors. Also, sometimes these leads are looking for jobs under $300. Therefore, it’s important that you first focus on creating marketing strategies that can get you quality leads. Showing up on Google for high intention to buy keywords will help you generate more quality leads. You can accomplish this by having a high-quality website and great search engine optimization. You can also sign up to create a Google ads campaign. This will allow you to only bid on keywords that are likely to convert into higher-paying clients. The key is to focus on getting the right traffic and not lots of traffic. You can use Google Ads’ Keyword planner to find the best keywords for your business.

Mistakes Contractors Make When Selling Their Services Without Leads

2) Not Answering Your Phone Is Something to Avoid When Selling Services

Congratulations! Your phone is ringing and it’s a new lead! Do you answer your phone 100% of the time? I am often shocked at how many of our clients have missed calls when we look at their Google ads report. We normally share this report with the owner of the business and the receptionist and like magic the percentage of missed phone calls dramatically decrease. It’s not uncommon to see our clients have 20% of their phone calls be missed phone calls. We understand that you are driving, with a client, or on the job site and can’t answer the phone. However, that phone call you missed could have been one of your most profitable projects. You’ll likely call them back and start playing phone tag, but by the time they answer your phone call, they are already signing a contract with your competitor.
leakage 2




3) Not Having Good Phone Skills As a Contractor Can Be a Mistake

How many of the leads that call you to turn into appointments? If you answer your phone and have a system in place that generates quality leads, then the answer should be 80% to 90% or higher. Your goal should be to set up the appointment and pre-qualify your client to see if they would be a good customer. You are more likely to set up the appointment if you focus on asking the lead more questions. This way they feel better understood. You’ll want to close the conversation with “For me to get you an accurate estimate, then I’ll need to set up a meeting with you. Are you available this week or next week? Tuesday or Friday? Morning or afternoon? Baam! You closed your appointment and didn’t lose the lead by having the prospect say, “Let me check my calendar and I’ll call you back”.

The Most Successful Contractors Use Quality Phone Skills To Sell Their Services

4) Not Confirm Your Appointments

Before heading out to your appointment you should set up your e-mail to send them a reminder the day before. You can do this by adding them to your Google calendar under “invite”. Moreover, you should always confirm the appointment over the phone. It’s not uncommon for people to say, “Oh, I forgot! Was that today?” Unfortunately, by now you’ve wasted time and gas by showing up to an appointment that could have gone to a paying client. This is an avoidable mistake contractors can make when selling services that can be solved by confirming your appointments.

Appointment Reminder

5) Not Having Compelling Proposals Is a Mistake Contractors Can Make

One of the worst things you can do is to compete based on price because there is always someone that can do it cheaper. Explain to them why you are better than your competitors, show them your portfolio, certifications, reviews, and ask plenty of questions. If you can better understand why they want something, then they are more likely to buy from you because you understand their needs and wants. One thing to also keep in mind in this step is to make sure you only take on clients that aren’t going to suck the life out of you. One bad client can sometimes drain your time, energy, and sanity. If you see many red flags, then sometimes it’s best to say no to a customer that you know will be a headache.

Not Having a Good Proposal Is a Mistake Contractors Make When Selling Their Services

6) Not Having a CRM

Do you have a system in place that documents all of your leads? We like to use bitrix24 because it offers a lot of bells and whistles for free. Sometimes you’ll have the perfect proposal for your prospect but they still won’t buy from you. It’s not you, it’s me. As a result, you must document all of your leads into a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software and create a follow-up system. You are more likely to get that lead as a client because your competition won’t have the stamina to follow up on that lead that you did an estimate for 6 months ago. If you need help setting this up, then feel free to reach out and we’ll get it done for you.

Leakage 6


7) Providing Mediocre Service

Sometimes it can be tempting to cut corners when you are feeling overwhelmed and busy with many projects. However, it is critical that your customers are not just satisfied with your service. It is extremely important that they are completely satisfied, because without it, then you won’t be able to plug the leakages mentioned below.

Mediocre Service is a Mistake Contractors Can Make When Selling Their Services

8) Not Asking For Referrals Can Be a Mistake Contractors Can Make

Congratulations! You have completed a job and you did amazing. Now what? You may often assume that your customers will often refer you because you did a great job. The fact is that people are more likely to refer you to their friends or family if you ask them the direct question. “Do you know anybody that can benefit from our services? We can get you a $50 gift card for any successful referrals.” Try it! I promise you won’t regret it. You will only have to pay them $50 if their lead turns into a client.

Referral Example


9) Not Asking For Reviews

If people are spending a considerable amount of money with you, then they are likely to be reading your reviews online. Therefore, you must send a text message and e-mail to all of your completely satisfied customers with a direct link that will allow them to write a glowing review about your business. You should make it a habit to have your customers write a review as soon as you finish a project. You are more likely to get more leads if you have 33 glowing reviews versus your competition that has 5 average reviews. If you need help with this, then call us at 559-553-5000 and we’ll help you get a direct review link setup.

Asking For a 5 Star Review Isn't Mistake Contractors May Make When Selling Their Services

10) Not Cross-Selling or Up-Selling Is a Mistake Contractors Can Make

The people that are more likely to buy from you are your existing clients. Do you keep a database of your existing clients? When was the last time someone from your staff called them and said, “Hello Mr. Smith, this is ____ from ABC company, We helped you with ________ back in __________. Everything working out well? I am glad to hear that! What other home improvement projects did you have in mind? Or when was the last time you did maintenance on _____? This alone will help you generate more sales from the people that already know and trust you.

Repeat Customer Example

11) Not Documenting Your Sales Funnel Systems Is a Misstep That Contractors Can Make

Great job! You’ve been able to plug all your leaks mentioned above. However, the key to any business is to have your business run smoothly without your presence or with little involvement. We recommend that you create a Google drive folder and document all of your step by step guides. All of your checklists, scripts, resources, onboarding process, offboarding process, etc. This way your managers can easily train new employees or help your existing staff follow your systems. If you don’t document these things, then your staff will begin to default back to whatever feels easier for them. For example, they’ll probably get a phone call from a lead but do a mediocre job, because you didn’t document the script with the questions, they should be asking to qualify your leads. Moreover, you might get someone that quits and now the new person doesn’t know how to use the CRM system you had in place and you don’t have anybody that can train them. If you have video tutorials and guide on how to better work your sales funnel, then you are more likely to have your business run smoothly when you are not present. The goal is to have you make more money with less time from you. You are more likely to accomplish this if you document your systems and get your staff to buy into them.
leakage 11


12) Not Tracking and Adjusting

If you don’t win a project, then do you know why? Are you documenting the reasons why people have decided not to do business with you? Maybe your proposals weren’t itemized or maybe your competition has a nicer portfolio. Perhaps your reviews are lower than your competition. It’s important that you document this data. This way you can adjust your approach and get better results. Remember when you assume you make an ASS of U and ME. Don’t be afraid to ask the difficult question: “Mr. customer I understand you decided to not hire us for your project. I was hoping you could give us some feedback as to why you chose to not hire us.”. This data is so critical because without it you’ll never really know the best way to adjust your approach. Are you currently tracking where your leads are coming from? It’s important to track every dollar and every phone call. For example, if you spent $500 on your marketing, then how many phone calls did that generate for you. How many of those phone calls were quality leads? As digital marketers, we love to look at reports and numbers. We are obsessed with knowing what’s going to get you the best results possible. We believe in helping you get the maximum results for as little as possible. Call us today at 559-553-5000 and let us help you set up a marketing system and a stronger sales funnel that can potentially double or triple your sales.

Tracking Expenses

We hope you learned something new, but more importantly, we hope you found something that you can take action on. Remember that if the only thing we needed was more information, then we would all walk around with a nice six-pack. So, what action can you take today that can help you improve your sales funnel and stop the leakage in your business?


If you enjoyed reading this blog article, the make sure to Top 10 Productivity Tips For 2020

Best Social Media Calendar [Infographic] With Real Examples

Best Social Media Calendar [Infographic] With Real Examples

Best Social Media Calendar

Social Media Calendar

When it comes to increasing your fan base on social media, it is important to give your fans a variety and engaging content. You may already be overwhelmed with deadlines, customer calls, and employees getting your attention. We created the infographic above to help you easily create social media posts on your Social Media Calendar that offer variety and will increase engagement. Some examples of popular social media sites are Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

1. Ask Your Audience a Question On Your Social Media Calendar

Why should you ask your audience a question? Social media posts will get more reach when people like, comment, or share your content. People are more likely to engage with a question and will contribute to the conversation.

2. Discount or Promotion

People are more likely to share a post if you offer a discount or promotion. Moreover, people are more likely to buy something just because it is on special, even though they don’t need it. Once they get on your website, then you can up-sell and cross-sell your other services. And, if you provide superior service to your customers, they are more likely to tell their friends about your business.

Social Media Calendar Promotion/Giveaway Example

3. Inspirational Quote

Inspirational quotes are popular on social media. The best part is, that this is the type of post that can be easily scheduled way in advance. By using free posting software like, you can schedule inspiration quotes for many months in advance. They also might like the quote and share your page with others.

Inspirational; Quote On Your Social Media Calendar

4. Share a Tip or Trick

Sharing a quick tip or trick with a link to the full story is more likely to get more engagement. People are generally in a hurry and will not have time to read your full article unless they want to know more. When you share a part of a post, rather than the full article, it will intrigue others and draw them to your page. It will increase more traffic, letting others know more about you and your products or services.

Share Some Tips Or Tricks On Your Social Media Calendar

5. Post Your Latest Blog Article

Having a blog article will allow others to respond to your thoughts and products. They can also give you their opinion, which might help you market your products or services better. Having a blog can drive traffic from your social media to your blog. Just make sure you are writing about your business or products to get the right audience.

Blog Example

Joining a Blog club can give your business more exposure, as well. When you connect with a group, you can read, share, and post your blogs and this will get the word out about your product or service.

Post your Latest Blog Example
6. Highlight a Biz-Friends Page

Working together with other businesses is a great way to increase your online reach. Through the power of reciprocity, other businesses are more likely to share your content if you have helped them out. .When working with another business, if they were to promote your business on their social media platforms, you have a good chance of gaining new customers that wouldn’t be able to reach if it were not for the other business you are working with.

Biz friendly On Your Social Media Calendar

7. Have a Fun Fact On Your Social Media Calendar

Adding a fun fact will get people to think about what you posted. People tend to keep coming back to find out what the next fun fact is by liking and re-posting the original post.

8. What you are Reading

When you share what you are reading, it gives your audience an insight into who you are on a more personal level. You can start up a conversation about the book in a post and attract others to the discussion and that can lead to more likes on your post and page. Additionally, by including #hashtags about the books you are reading, you are more likely to attract other visitors that also like the same books.

Social Media Calendar Lean start up Reading Example
9. Training

People are always looking for quality training. You can introduce new concepts, instruct them on how to train, and discuss related trends within your industry. You can show someone rather than tell them. Many times, your customers will realize they do not have the time to do it on their own and will likely hire you for the job instead. Hosting events is another way to improve yourself, your business, and the community.

Training Example
10. Industry Article

What is the latest and greatest thing that is happening in your industry? Writing an article about your industry lets people know you stay up to date with new information coming out within your industry. Moreover, it helps you become more established as an authority figure in your industry. It can also turn into more traffic and return visitors to your social media web pages.

Social Media Calendar Industry Article Example

11. A Day in the Life Post

People like doing business with people. The more relatable you can become to your audience, the more likely they will be to purchase from you. You are letting your audience take a sneak-peek behind the scenes of your daily life. Your audience will feel more connected to you. Also, if you are working on a new project or product, then this would be a great time to share your exciting news. Be careful not to act as if you are desperate for attention, just remember to always be yourself and have fun!

Social Media Calendar A Day in the life example

12. Comic or Meme

When you add a comic strip to your social media, you increase the chances of a higher click-through rate on your post. A comic strip can lighten the mood for the user scrolling through the feed of your Social Media Calendar.
Social Media Calendar comic/meme example
The meme is an element of a culture, or system of behavior, passed from one individual to another; a humorous image, video, piece of text, and so on that can be spread rapidly by social media.
See this post:

Comic/Meme Example

Comic/Meme Example
13. Share an Eye-Catching photo

An eye-catching photo will gain more attention for your site than anything else. People can relate to images. They can inspire, show details about your product or service, and can inform them about who you are. A photo can tell a story and give depth to what you can do for your customer.

Eye Catching Photo Example

14. Highlight a New Product or Service

Social media is a great way to highlight a new product or service. You can reach more people, get reviews, share your photos and stories, and eventually have more people buy your product or service. You can let your audience know what to expect and to have them give feedback on your product or service. A sneak peek into something new.

Highlight a New Product or service example

15. Holiday Photo Post

A holiday photo is a good way to show what seasonal items everyone is talking about and has to have. Also, showing events that your company is having, shows your culture and sensitivity to your employees that work for your company and is a great way to spread awareness. Furthermore, this type of post can easily be scheduled in advance to show on future holidays on your Social Media Calendar.

Social Media Calendar Holiday Photo

Holiday Photo Example

16. Share an Interesting Statistic

There are people like us that love numbers. If you can put that data on a timeline, then it will likely get more shares. This allows your post to get more exposure because it’s more interactive for the viewer.

17. This or that Question

Asking random questions might seem like a weird thing to do, but this can get the reader to think about the subject, and possibly ask someone on their friend’s list about it. Share the question, which will link back to your social media page, and it will likely have more likes and responses. Having a this-or-that question is a fun way to support your product or services or community.

18. Infographic

Infographics are a great way to show a collection of imagery, charts, and text that is easy to read. The purpose of an infographic is to tell a story and make it relevant to your business. You need to make sure that you use accurate data, the right color scheme, the appropriate fonts, and keep it simple.

Infographic Example

Infographic Example

19. Long post or story

Sharing a long post or a story on your social media calendar can be a great way to show others what you are thinking. But, you need to keep the topic interesting, or the reader will not read the whole thing and will go on to another post. If you find a way to lure the reader in and keep it interesting, they will most likely read the entire article and even might share the story. It can also be a video. You just need to keep things interesting to keep the viewer engaged.

Long Post Example

20. Recommend a helpful tool or tip

When you interact with your audience by having a conversation about your brand, product, or service, your audience will be more engaged. This investment will make them more likely to shop at your place of business or web page.

21. Share a Free Resource

When it comes to free items, whether it is a CD or food, most people want to join in to get whatever it may be. You can promote your products or services by offering free items. Make it a contest by saying “like my page” and pick a person at random.

Free Resource

22. A Weekly Roundup of Interesting Articles

Update your feed with things you and your company are interested in. Something to do with health, new technologies, or something related to your product or service would be a good place to start. It can also be an interesting video of what is going on with your company.

Weekly Roundup


23. Contest or Giveaway

Contests or giveaways can be a good way to start a conversation about the product or service that you offer. Doing this can start up more buzz around your brand. Try to be creative and come up with something that others have not thought about doing in the same way, and people will be talking about you and your site.

Contest or Giveaway Example

Contest or Giveaway Example

24. Share a Fan Photo

Sharing a fan’s photo or testimonial will give your site more credibility. Also, if you can add some rewards in the area you live in or to others on your social media, such as gong to graduations, ball games, or any other large event, you can expand your follower base to keep them coming back time after time to see your newest posts.

Fan Photo Example

25. Breaking News

Posting a breaking news story is becoming the main source of the news online and on social media today. When you post a breaking news story, more people will see the post, and that can be helpful for your site. Just be careful about what you post. You do not want to get bad feedback on your social media site. Try to keep the site positive.

Breaking News Example

26. In Case you Missed it

No one wants to miss out on a good post, and sometimes you need to re-post your social media post for those who did not see it the first time. If you are going to point someone in the right direction of something interesting or enlightening more than once, you can let them know by telling them, “in case you missed it.”

In case you missed it example

27. Behind the Scenes Photo

Images of employees and business owners can enhance your business because most people like to see the face of who is running the company. And, this does not have to be all business-related. Showing pictures of everyday life can help customers bond with you.
You can even show photos of assembling products or preparing for lunch with your employees. Spotlighting your employees will show credibility, and your audience will feel like they are part of the team.

Behind the Scenes Example

28. Product Pictures

Taking beautiful and interesting product pictures can promote your product or service on social media. You are getting yourself out there, and that is what it is all about.

Product Pictures Example

29. Thank Your Fans

When you use the words “thank you,” it is not just polite to say, it can also build stronger relationships with your current and potential customers. Saying “Thank You” can build trust and loyalty in your social media. Having your photo or just a nice picture to show will give out the right tone.

Social Media Calendar Google High Impact Partner Thank Your Fans Example

Thank Your Fans Example
30. Create a Poll

When you create a poll, you get a lot of feedback and different opinions of a population by asking a series of questions on what people like and do not like about a certain topic. This can help you find out who your audience is.

Create a Poll Example

31. Funny Joke or Picture

Who doesn’t want to laugh and have a good time? When you post a funny image or a good joke, you can get others engaged and make them feel at home. Just stay away from things that can backfire. Posting about others, politics, religion, or what is going on in the world today can lead to more trouble and is not worth it. You want to keep your best side showing at all times to grow your business.

Comedic Photo Example

Comedic Photo Example

So, what is next for you?
Social media is the way of the future; it is growing at a faster rate than the market industry can keep up with. With all the updates, social trends, and new cutting-edge features, it can be overwhelming. Social media is essential and critical for any business of today. We can track what people are buying, selling, and talking about to give the customer what they are looking for and need. Posting something on your social media site every day can and will increase your traffic, which will lead to more people looking at your product or service. Do you need help with your social media advertising? Call us today at 559-553-5000 to get a customized strategy for your business.

If you enjoyed reading this blog article, the make sure to 6 Great Things You Can Do When You Automate Your Social Networks (+links)

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